Oh, and I need a dental - the v-e-t finks that I haf allergies and that's why I skratched myself open, and why my gums are red and swollen. She saided that cats that are as young as me ushually doesn't need dentals unless there's somefing else going on like allergies or somefing. ::SIGH:: - and I have to lose 1 pound. Mommy says I haf to go on a D-I-E-T. Could life get any werser? ::SIGH::
It's a burden Siamese must have Miles. I'm sorry to hear that your teeth are bad too.
Oh, Miles! I am sorry you has to wear that space helmet. I hope your teeths feel better soon.
ps: Your eyes look very beautiful in that photo!
Oh Miles yur eyes are so big and blue (and furry purrty) in dat photo. Only is I feel so bad fur yu dat yu hasta wear dat plastic fing. How long do yu has to wear it? Ping hadda have a dental last year and of all of us kitties we didddn't fink it wood happen to Ping. (I haddatohave a dental and X-traction last year...now dat wuz no funns)
Hey m'ybe yur Mommie can give yu X-tra tem-tat-shuns today to help yu wif all da trauma yu been fru today?
:::wavin paws:::
Hope you feel better soon Miles!
Boo, Ping, Jinx & Gracie
Hi to my handsome and sweet Sammys
Purrsss and Headbutts
I'm sorry Miles. This fate seems to attack meezers the worst. I had TWO e-collars last year. I looked like a floodlight with a tractor beam! Don't feel too bad about the dental- Chase had to have one when he was young and he's great now! We also get special stuff in our water for our teeths...might want to ask the VET about that.
P.S. Very good job with "the meezer look".
oh dear. well...that's a furry nice picshure of yur hed anyway...
Ewwww. bummer.
I had to wear one of those things once but I figured out how to lick my sore spot anyways and then I had to wear baby pajamas. But that's a whole other story.
DIET? I'm sorry. I eat the wate control foods, so I know how you feels.
Hope your teefies and gums feel better soon, Miles.
I want to tell you that Science Diet came out of my nose when I saw your picture but my mom wants me to be nice and show a little sympathy and instead say how very forlorn you look with the lampshade on. OK, poor little Meezer!
(Now, get to work and figure out a way to get that thing off you and on your bro!)
I think you'll sleep through the dental, although when you wake up one of your arms will be COMPLETELY BALD! I bet they didn't tell you that part.
Oh no Miles! You are a cone-head! Bubbles had to wear one of those and he HATED it. We hope you don't have to wear it for very long.
Oh, Miles! I am so sorry about your allergies and that bizarre thingy on your head. You are still cute in that picture, though. I hope all your owies go away soon!
Oh, Miles! Poor kitty! I think it's terrible but Mum's laughing...
She sends extra cuddles to you, though. We hope you feel better soon.
Toby and the Mum
The Divine Miss Marilyn sends hugs and head butts your way.
You sure look pretty even in that getup! Mom says she sure hopes it's not allergies after all she's been through (and still going through) with Ninna.
Best wishes!
You look sort of cute in a wierd sort of way. Just hope the trips to the VET work out OK.
What is it with beans? My Mom is laughing out loud, and I am just horrified. Miles I am so sorry. I hope this goes by quickly. One of my Auntie cats had allergies once, and she had to get a cortisone shot. Her allergies were all over her back and the vet kept telling my Mom that the kitty must have burned herself. But finally they went to a good vet who took care of it. Anyway, I hope you are feeling better and back to normal soon.
What I wanna know is why people have diet soda and diet chips, but we don't have lo-cal diet Temptations®?!? How species-ist can the pet food industry get?
Oh Miles, NO! We feel so bad for you. Our Sister B's dog Daisy has allergies too and has to take pills or she scratches herself. Will you have to be on allergy/diet special food?
We saw on TV the other night where a dog had one of those thingies on his head and when he ate his food the other doggies couldn't get at the food dish because his thingie covered up the entire food bowl.
Just in case you need some help making sure Sammy doesn't eat all your diet food.
Oh, Miles, sorry, but you look so cute you make me smile!! It will all be OK, except for the die-t part....
Poor Miles. I still lufs you efun if you's a floodlight. An I finks walkin on the seeling is the way to lose dat pound (not that I finks yoo need to lose any) but they say walkin's good for that so walkin on the seeling gotsta be a sooper way to do it. I'll be hangin out wif you fur the nex couple days. I hopes it's not me you's llergic to!! That wuld be awful!!!
your girlfriendcat Sanjee
Poor Miles! But why do you need to lose a pound? You look like a good solid handsome cat with some meat on his bones to me! I hope it's not too serious!
Really its so sad! how can the vets be soo worse? anyways, I hope you will be fine n fit.
all the best from me n my pets
Oh... Miles, we are sorry. Mom made Ghost look at your picture showing her what she was going to have to wear if she didn't stop scratching her neck making owies of her own.
I think you look very high fashion in your collar. That's all the rage on the runways you know. Can you pick up any good radio stations? ;)
Sorry to hear that Miles. :( It seems a lot of Meezers have bad teeth - the cat who owned my mom before I came along was a Siamese and he had to have his teeth cleaned a lot.
Your eyes look beautiful in your photo! Gorgeous blue.
Sorry to hear you have to go on a diet and lose weight. I hope things get bettr for you soon!
Efun though yer hed looks funny, yer eyes are looking lovely. mum laffed at yer picher, or it mite haf been the capshun she wuz laffing at. Flynn keeps digging his chin an putting small owies on it. Mum sed he'll look like yoo if'n he duzn't stop.
That thing around your neck does not look fun! I am worried cause Meowm keeps saying that I need a dental! I hope you get weel quickly!
Miles, we know you hate your collar. You can check our blog posts from July 21, 2006 to July 30, 2006 to see Bubbles with his e-collar.
You are one sexy mother-humper in that cone, Miles.
Your baby blues pierce right through me. And your red gums? Um...red is my favorite color, so don't fret! All will be good.
But, when you don't need that collar anymore, I would consider wearing it. It's HOT!
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