I Miles Meezer, being of sound mind and wiggly body, do hereby formally apal-i-jize to my brofurr Sammy Meezer, for saying that he tried to de-cap-a-tate me. I realize now that I prolly skracthed unner my own chin, giving myself an owie.
I am sorry Sammy, and I will give you 2 of my tem-tay-shuns when we gets them the next time.
My owie is now 3 times the size it was on Friday, and i keeps skratching the scabbie off. Mommy keeps putting goopy stuff on it. YUCK. She tried putting a bandage on me, and I flopped all ofurr the floor and the couch and i would not stand up, and i screamed and yowled and then i finally gotted it off.
Mommy says that if it is yucky tomorrow, she's going to call the V-E-T!!!!!!!!!
Miles, you're runner up in my contest!!
Sound like you need one of those lampshade things to wear on your neck! But lucky for you I won't send you mine because they're not that much fun. It would be more fun if Sammy wore it.
be careful miles. iffens you gots a big lump unner yur chin the v-e-t will cuts it open! he did that to one of mommees cats that came before us. she saids it smelled nasty cuz it wuz all infected. but her kitty started feelin betters real soon. we hopes yu do to.
yuki & kimiko
Dude! We didn't know you hadded an owie! We hopes you get better soon!
Oh...owwww!! That doesn't sound like much fun to us. Meeko and Emmy always scratch each ofur when they fight and Momma jus watches the owies REAL good. Noone has hadded to go to the V-E-T....yet. Hope you gets all better soon!!
~Meeko, Kiara, and Emmy
We have never had real owies but sometimes we do end up with the other kitty's fur on our feet or teeth!
Hope you feel better and don't have to go to the V-E-T!
China Cat & Willow
I concede, Miles, that your owie is much worse than what I experienced getting my head stuck in the fireplace tongs. I hope you recover soon ... without the dreaded V.E.T.!
Rocky, CEO
That's very big of you to apologize like that Miles. I hope that you are feeling better soon and that you avoid the whole vet thing...
Yes, Miles, I hope you feel much better tomorrow. Quit scratching the owie and it could get well with just the yucky stuff your Mommie is using.
Sending you best wishes that your owie will get well really quick and without any veterinary intervention!
Oh Miles, I hopes you feels lots lots better soon and wifout hafin to go to the V-E-T!
PURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRS from your girlfriendcat Sanjee
Miles: you gotta stop scratchin!
Meezer Mom: have you tried Aloe on the boo boo? We use it all the time on the pooch & rabbits...and me too.
I found the best way to keep the rabbits from removing their bandage was to put another bandage on a place they could reach easier... here's the story. Hasenfeffer would start chewing on her foot when she got scared (4th of July fireworks). I took her to the V-E-T and they gave me medicine and told me to keep the bandage on. But Hasenfeffer would keep chewing the bandage off and then chew on her foot too. So the V-E-T decided to put her foot in a syringe case and then put tape all over her little body to keep the syringe case on. Well she had the syringe case off in no time, but then she started working on all that tape that was attached to her body...leaving her foot alone. I took off the tape on her back but left the tape on her chest for her to do. By the time she got that off and the bandage on her foot...it had healed and she left it alone.
Oh and to get the bandages on...we wrapped up the rabbit in a towel like a burrito. Probably would work on cats too...ya just gotta catch them first!
I was visitor 24,728... maybe we can hit the 25,000 this week!
Miles, that was a wonderful apology. Sorry to hear about your owie. I hope it heals and you don't have to go to the vet. Try not to scratch it!
Momma said we wuz 24,734...
Owie owie Miles. Dat is no fun giving yurself an owie. It wuz furry foughtful of yu to apple-o-gize to Sammys. I knoos he furgives yu.
Bye Miles we hopes yu feel better!
:::wavin paws:::
Boo, Ping, Jinx and Gracie
Bye to my sweet and gorgeous Sammys!
Purrs and Headbutts
Goos luck wiff that owie, hope you get better soon. We are bisitor 24,743--getting closer.
"Sound mind," Miles? You've always seemed a little nutty to me.
Wait. If you're nutty, then your crush on me would be deemed "ridiculous."
Sane as can be, love. You are as sane as can be!
it's good you 'pollygized. i keep scratchin' me too. the Lady thought 'bout a bandaid, but i think i'd act the same way you did.
Dat wuz furry good of yoo to a polly jise. Hope yer owie soon gets better.Yer cownter's up to 24970 so not much longer. Mum sed we haf to go to bed now so it won't be us.
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