Well, for a while yesterday I was better, but then I wasn't. I yakked up my brekfest, my ham and my tem-tay-shuns. I tried to jump on the windowsill for my windowsill kissies, and I ended up in the trash can. I tried to jump up on the bed and missed. I fink I will just stay on the floor. I hasn't been itching my ear anymore but I'm still dizzy. Mommy gotted the stuff in my ear once yesterday, then she gotted it all ofurr my head the 2nd time, 'acause I would not let her touch me.
She saided somefing about calling the v-e-t in the morning to see about aunty's biotiks. One reason the v-e-t has not put me on them up to now is that I didn't react to well to them when I hadded my teefs out - I gotted a fever and kept yakking up efurryfing. But maybe this time will be different. I don't know. I just want my head to stop tilting to the left and I want to be able to jump up on the windowsill for my windowsill kissies.
I really want to fank efurryone for all the purrs and purrayers. They make me feel all warm and snuggly, and they make my mommy feel better too. Mommy says fank you all for all the suggestions you haf made. She is more useded to dealing with geezer cats who is sick and not young kitties like me who gets sick, so she gets more werried. Fank you so much and I loves you all!
The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
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Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...

MOM When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one yea...
Meezers Mom Norton and Ralphie came to take our beautiful little Princess to the Rainbow Bridge at 5:15am this morning. (click on the link f...
The prayers will continue! We are so sorry that you still feel dizzy. Yakking up HAM! must be awful! Sending positive thoughts your way!
Poor Miles, yakking up HAM. Poor kitty. Don't worry, you're VET will help you bunches. We're still sending all kindsa good healing thoughts you way! Puuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrsssssss
We loves you too, Miles, and we're so sorry you're not feelin' better. We hopes this time the auntie-biotics work without makin' you feel worse. We're still purrin' and purrayin' hard for you, furriend!
Oh Miles, I'm so sorry to hear you aren't feeling better. :( Sendings lots of healing purrs your way and keeping you in my prayers!
Awe, poor Miles, yakking up da ham must be awful. We hopes yer vet can figger it out soon. Maybe yoo need a speshulist. We'll keep purring and purraying fur yoo!
Poor kitty. I know that you want to be well just as much as we want you well. I hope the vets figure you out soon.
Sometimes it would be much easier if animals could talk to us.
There's a disease that rabbits get that causes their head to tilt and for them to be dizzy. If caught early the antibiotics make it go away...if not caught soon enough (which is easy to do when your rabbit won't talk to you and hides) it can make the head tilt permanent...but even then the rabbits can go on living a nice life...they just have a different outlook on the world. ;)
Hang tough kitty. Oh and let your Mommy put your medicine in your ears. I know you don't like it, but if you wanna not go to the vet you should let her do it.
Oh, poor Miles! Yakking up ham is terrible!
Mum wishes she could hold you close and cuddle, but she knows your Mum is doing that...
We think of you constantly and are waiting to hear the latest news.
Give our love to Sammy, too. He must be very worried about his brother.
We can't give you windowsill kisses but here are some cyber ones xxxxxxxxx
we`re so sorry that you are still not feeling better and even yakked your HAM :(
we're keeping purraying and also will keep paws crossed that you'll get well soon.
hugs'n'kisses Kashim & Othello
Oh, Miles, what could be worse than bomiting HAM? I am sorry you are still feeling poorly. I think it is time for another get well song. I hope you do not mind that I sing out of tune a little bit. Here you go:
The Doctor comes and feels your pulse,
She frowns and shakes her head.
She says, "You need some medicine,
And then it's off to bed!"
She tells you that you need to rest,
Or you'll be very sick.
But if you do just as she says,
You'll get well pretty quick!
You may not have an appetite,
Your throat or tummy's sore,
But when you're feeling better,
You'll get cheese and HAMS galore!
The Doctor says to feed you things
Like HAMS and ice-y cream...
"Hey, Mom, I could get used to this,
The menu is a dream!"
Oh Miles we're so sorry to hear about the yakking and the jumping problems. We really hope that the v-e-t can help you tomorrow.
Oh, poor Miles. Yakking up HAM must be the worst. I really hope that you start feeling better soon. Latte had a protozoan infection (I think I got that right) in his spine that made his head tilt. Maybe you should have the vet check for that.
The ham and the Temptations both came back up? Oh no! I don't tend to chew much and I eat too fast, so a couple days ago I yakked up Temptations, but Grr and Cocoa came and helped me eat them back up. The Lady was glad she didn't have to clean the carpet, but she seemed kinda grossed out too. We think some antibiotics would be a good thing - not that we know anything about it, but don't they usually make kitties better? We all love you too, and we're gonna keep purring and purring for you to get well.
Oh Miles, you will regain your balance soon I am sure. You are a young kitty and are bound to get better with each day. Keep us updated, we are all purraying for you!!
Oh, Miles, we are still sending up purrayers for you!
Yacking up hamm is horrible!
Be well soon!
Awww, poor Miles! I'm so sorry you're feelin' so bad. We Ballicai are purrin' and purrin' for you and we hopes you're feelin' lots better very soon. And so sorry to hear you yacked up your ham. Sendin' love and hugs!
Still purring for you buddy. Yakking up your favorite food isn't good.
purr, purr, purr, purr, purr, purr.
Oh Miles, Tigger, I and Mom are still purraying for you. We hope the VET fixes you soon. The antibiotics will help we're sure. Be safe and purrrrr puuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, purrrrrrr.
I'm so sorry about the ham, Miles ... I'm purring like crazy for you!
Oh Miles so sorry you are so dizzy. We all will still send up prayers for you. Guess it's inevitable that you will be seeing the VET again. Just hopefully it will help more this time. Mom don't know why it's so troublesome to get medicine into a cat whether it's in the ear, eye, topical or mouth. WE DON'T LIKE IT. She says she doesn't like either when she has to do it, but it helps. Just to bad you cats don't know that. Oh Well! Hope you get better real soon. That sounds like a rotton way to live, when you can't get your windowsill kissies.
Yoo yakked up HAM??? that must haf been the werst fing of all. Yer
V E T will know which Auntie's Biotiks didn't agree wiv yoo befurr so will probly give yoo a diffrunt type.
Yoo gotta get well soon cuz yoo can't keep yakking Ham.
More purrs and (((hugs))) to yoo.
Miles, make your Mom lift you up to the windowsill for kissies til you feel all better. That's what cat staff... um... Mommies... are for, right? Doing what we want them to? And of course, we're all purring and praying for you lots. Sanjee whapped us and told us we had to, when she stopped by here. Silly sisfur. We were doing it anyways.
Gree, Boni, Mini, Pepi and Mom Robyn
Antibiotics are your friend sometimes. You can tell your VET person about me having my protozoal spin infection that was treated by Clyndimiacin (sp?). I hope that isn't one that made you feel yucky becuase at least you'd be treating something. I know your VET people know better than I do but I just love you and want to make sure you get better FAST!
hang in there, dude! better days is comin'. we is still purring & purrrayin' for you!! please, please don't fight the vetty-bean or mommy; we know somma the stuff they gotta do is yukky, but it seems the yukkier it is, the more good it does. don't ask US why; we don't make the rules. no cat in his/her right mind would make meddysins taste like anything but hammm!
purrs to you, an' kittykisses to mommy. an' a headbut to sammy--we hasn't fergot 'bout him!
Anti bioticks gave me explosive poops once, but there are other kinds that don't do stuff like that. Maybe they can find one for you that doesn't make you feel sicker...?
The Woman wants to know if you're having a hard time holding your head up. 'Cause she remembered that the Cat Who came before me had symptoms kinda like yours and she walked around with her head hung down, and it turned out she was low on potassium. It's just a thought...
Okay ... We will still keep sending healthy thoughts and good karma your way ... Your V-E-T at the stabby place needs to hurry up and figure out what's wrong so that the ham and Temptations® can stay in your tummy ...
We're purrin' and purrayin' Miles. Please get well vurrrery soon. The Five Furkids
We has been purring all weekends furrs yu. We is so sorry to knoos dat the hams and tem-tay-shunz came back up. Momma sayz that when her head spins it makes her tummy spin too. Dat stuff in da dramamine really does werk. But, it will makes yu sleepie.
We hopes yu had a gud nite and can't hardly wait until we knoos how yu are today.
Hugs and Kisses to yu and and my sweet sweet Sammys!
Boo, Ping, Jinx and Gracie
We are very worried about you, Miles! Lots of prayers to you and your Mom.
We are so worried but we are purring and praying even harder than before.
Purrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
Uh oh. We see that Daisy has been singing again.
Dorfie dint do two wel on his aunty biotiks for his toofies neifer. We send hedbutts.
Luf, Us
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