I is hijaking Sammy's Meezer Mancat Monday to say that I am 'barassed that Mommy forgotted the transfer cable for the flashy box, and we haf to use a OLD pikshur! Yes, this was a pikshur of me bein' 'barassed at Daddy's house one time when Mommy was talking baby talk to me or somefing.
We is travelling back home today and will be putting up videos and pikshurs on Tuesday.
That's a good picture!
re: your Mommy's moving story. Oh my gosh! Well I guess having the entire family sitting down to dinner when you were trying to move in beats my story hands down. I cannot believe they didn't even bother to get a new house.
Miss Heather knew that her landlords would still have stuff in their garage, but she didn't know that they weren't moved out of the house yet either. so that's kinda similar. Miss Heather is fit to be tied that they are still trying to get the landlord's stuff out of her garage...at least they are out of the house now.
Oh, you really do look embarassed.
Oh Don't be embarrassed Miles. Momma uses old photos of us all the time. She does try and do photos she hasn't done before though.
My Mommy does that sometimes too!
u r so cute!
well miles honey you are furry cute no matter when it was taken!!!
smiles, auntie bee
You look cute in that pikshur and it's good to remind you Mummy's she's only human and forgets stuff! That way you might be able to get her to believe she forgotted to feed you and to give you a second dinner! ;)
That's a cute photo of you looking embarrased, Miles!
Poor Miles, mom talks baby talk to me sometimes...I just ignore her, er, well, I try to ignore her. Don't feel bad, mom and dad went to see mom sisfur all da way up in da grate white north and forgotted da whole camera!
Miles,don't worry about it. I think all Mom's do it(mostly cause they're lazy). They also love to embarrass you.That is still a nice pic,shows off yer nice leg and paw.
You can also tell cats that you were tryin out fer a dramatic role and was rehearsing!!
When I feel embarrassed I usually hide under the bed.
That is a cute picfture of you Miles. Baby talk is embarrasing if your mom does it in front of some other bean. If you are alone it is okay.
Oh Miles, you are so cute. Very dramatic. We can't hardly wait to see your new pictures and video!
Your FL furiends,
The furless ones are always doing somefing bare-assing. Looking forward to the pichers.
Your bestest furriends.....
So Cute :)
hehehe, that's a great pickshure of you lookin' embarassed! And I'm ecksited about Brainball and Patches gettin' togethur too -- they make such a great couple!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Why do the Beans haf to do fings that embarris us?
Oh Miles, don't feel too bad. Mommy wouldn't efun turn on the pee see for us yesterday!!! Just cuz she didn't hafta werk! That's so unfair!!! Mommies!
Purrrrrrrrs and nosekissies,
yore girlfriendcat Sanjee
You DO look like you're embarrassed, Miles ... That, or hung over.
Meowm squealed when she saw this picture! She says you look cute, cute, cute!!
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