Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Our Trip - or Our Mommy is 'BARASSING!!!


Cripes, someone get Mommy some medikshun that will make her stop babbling like an idiot!!!

This is me in full "Foo-Ton love mode"


The Devil Dog said...

Yeah, parents get like that some times. What do they think we are? Babies. Sheesh.


Gemini said...

Oh Miles, you looked so cute doing that on your footon! Momma talks like that to me sometimes.

By the way, Cheysuli is very happy even your Mom might want to vote for her!

ASTOR CATS said...

We don't think they gots medication that keeps beans from babbling. Our mom babbles like that and we tried an intervention but it didn't work. She just keeps doing it.

Midnite & Stray Kitty

LZ said...

Oh that was crazy that she filmed you just enjoying yourself. That footon is soooo cool.


Just Ducky said...

Don't think there are any drugs in the world that will make our bean not act like idiots at times. ::sigh:: Just gotta put up with it.

Anonymous said...

Boy you really love that footon don't you? I have a footon in the back bedroom, but it doesn't have a mattress on it. It is standing on its side and I can walk back and forth across it, though. Lots and lots of fun.

Honey P. Sunshine said...

that is a really pretty foo-ton, i can see why yous luf it so

Tara said...

Oh Miles, you looks so happy on your foo-ton! You obviously enjoy it!

I know what you mean about forgetful Moms. When we went to our mountain house last, Mom forgot to charge her flashy box battery, so we got NO pictures!


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Yeah, der is no medikashun fur babbling moms. Dey will do it when effur dey are in our prezens. Yoo reelly do love dat foo-ton tho.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Cute video Miles! You really love your futon! :)

Frostin said...

King Obsidian and Queen Munchkin roll around like that on Bob work shirt when he takes it of before heading for the shower.

SiameseOriental said...

Hee hee! what a stud muffin!!

Parker said...

Mom's just babble, it's a rule of nature. You really love your futon! Come see Rudy on his today!

Ramses said...

I've gotta agree Mummy's babble if we do something cute! ;) That Foo-Ton looks great though, so I can understand your love for it! :)

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Oh please tell us how ya did that. We have a coupla videos an we cant get them to load!

Skeeter and LC

Daisy said...

I am afraid it is hopeless, Miles. My Mommie talks to me just like that, too.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

miles you are foo-ton fabulous honey!!! she can't help it. neither could i. you are just too cute!

smiles, auntie bee

Hot(M)BC said...

Well, maybe yore Mommy needs some meddykayshuns to stop babbling. But yoo look furry handsum on yore foo-ton!
Purrrrrrrs and nosekissies!
yore girlfriendcat Sanjee

The Tower Hill Mob said...

Oh Miles- you made Mum and Dad babble with your cuteness!
What a sweet kitty!

Jimmy Joe said...

Yeah, your momma has a babble problem. You're doin' a pretty good job ignoring her, though. That looks like a good bath-n-rub there on the foo-ton!
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Renee Nefe said...

How can we beans not talk silly when our fur babies are acting so silly? You look cute, we talk cutsie.

deal kitty!

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Poor Miles ... Your momma has gone completely around the bend!

Meowers from Missouri said...

yer momma is jus' verbally lovin' on ya, dude. she don't mean nuthin' by it; ours does it alla time, an' none of us has fallen ofur daid yet. besides, who's there to hear but sammy, yer dad an' her? (an' a few hunnert jillion of us fans;-) no worries on THAT account!

is yer mom originally from illinois or whiskerconsin? we thought her voice was our mom's at first!

Mickey's Musings said...

Heh,heh,heh! Yer givin yerself a nice back massage. Must feel good.
I agree wif everycat,Moms are just plain gushy. ;)

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

I hear tons of love for you in your Mom's voice!

I like to rub on all kinds of things like that!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Awwww Poosie!!!!
That is a great video of you just loving up your foo-ton.

HRH Yao-Lin said...

hahaha that is soooo cute and soo funnY! Your human says ' don't fall off' and you just look at her like ' whatever!'. I think you LOVE your footon! ha ha ha

The Furry Kids said...

That is a cute video. Miles, do you love your foo-ton?

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

Hoo-boy! What iz it wit da babble? Da momeez iz furry good at dat...der iz an orgynizashun fur da babbling momeez; it iz called: BABBLE-ON ANON.

Glad you got da futon to love. Doez it talk back? NOT!

Dr. Tweety

The Furry Fighter said...

oh miles - has your mum been at your catnip? i find that my mum babbles like that too ALOT! xxx

Karen Jo said...

I think you are making sure that everyone knows that the foo-ton belongs to you. Moms babble like that a lot. It comes with the territory.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That's a grate foo-ton Miles, no wonder yoo love it so much.We know what yoo mean about the babbling. We haf to put up wiv it too. When mum calls us furr our supper duz she say "Eric and Flynn, supper's reddy"? Oh no she yells "Oosers Poosers Oose Poose Poose" That's reely barrising.

Good bye my sweet Nicky

 Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky.  You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet.  I love you to the moon...