The most wondermous thing efur happened to me yesterday!!
I was sleeping on our meezer couch, hafing nice dreams about being on broadway and singing, and suddenly I opened my eyes and there was a plate of HAM in front of me on the couch. I blinked a couple of times to make shur it was real and IT WAS! We haf a HAM FAIRY in our house!!!!
The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
Friday, October 26, 2007
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Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...

Meezers Mom Norton and Ralphie came to take our beautiful little Princess to the Rainbow Bridge at 5:15am this morning. (click on the link f...
MOM When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one yea...
wow! The bestest thing that I ever got when I was sleeping was a stuffed animal. I think your fairy is better.
I'm going to go dream about the Lobster Fairy!
There is a ham fairy! Really! I'm going to sleep right now.
Oh how do we get the ham fairy to come visit us?
Wowww..... Ham Fairy~!!!!
When will she visit me???
A HAM! fairy? How do you get one of those??????
I certainly hope you pounced on it and ate it right up! There is a fairy at our house, it's called "the fairy who leaves the food unguarded" and I am the "dog who stole it" hee hee hee
I half discovered ham. I LOVE it! Last night Mom wuz givin ham treats out to all of us and I madda sure I got my bites furst. I was a ham guzzler.Oh I hope Sammys doesn't fink I am BIG eater! Well, er for ham I am! :-)
****wavin paws****
Have sum more ham filled dreams Miles!
Boo, Ping, Jinx and Gracie
****blowin kisses****
Bye to my sweet handsome brillant floofy cocoa puffs.
Purrs and Nosekisses
Your devoted ham lovin tiny princess
i need a bacon fairy mean....the ham fairy is REAL? How do you summon her? Do you have to leave a poo or something?
Do you think there's a steak fairy, too?
A Ham Fairy? I don't think we have one of those. I got ham yesterday, though, so I'm happy.
My beans is eating lots of sammiches in front of the TV while the World Serious is on...
I am dwoolin all ofer da place just finking about it
Oh My Dawg! You didn't smell it before it arrived????? Wowweeeee!
Luf, Us
We have seen and talked with lots of fairies, but never have met a Ham Fairy. I think you better find her and trap her, she is baluable.
Hi to our furry bestest furriends.
There is a ham fairy?! Do you think there is a chicken fairy too? We loves chicken!!
Wow - I never knew there was a Ham Fairy! Maybe you could have a work in her ear and ask her to visit my house?
A ham fairy??? Did you get a glimpse of it?
Skittles, The Huntress
You lucky guy!!! A ham fairy - hat is so great! I will purr for a beef fairy now!!!!
Omigosh!!! I mean I heard the rumors but never, NEVER did I dare to dream the ham fairy was real!!!
Mommy? Please make sure to leave the ham fairy a quarter!
we DO believe in fairies, we DO believe in fairies...
Woweee! This is the best news we have heard in a long time!
WOO HOO!!! A ham fairy!! That is great!!
WOW! That is amazing! I will have to do some research into how to get the ham fairy to come to my house.
Oh yes, and my mum wants to know if she has a friend who is a house-cleaning fairy?
WOW! That's sooper, Miles!!! I hope the HAM Fairy bisits yoo lots!
Purrrrrrrrrs n nosekissies,
yore girlfriendcat Sanjee
the ham fairy is reel. that is sooo good news.
I hope the ham fairy comes here soooooooon
happy Week-end to you, Miles and Sammy
oh you lucky lucky cat!!! x
I nefer hadded ham. Is it like temptations?
who thinks a temptations fairy would be a good idea.
You dreamed it, and it appeared!
Wow you are so lucky to have a ham fairy. Mmmmmm, ham. Trixie was just introduced to ham last week and she like it so much she nipped mom's finger a couple of times. I think the girl is hooked.
Your pal,
Miles, that's the most amazing thing I ever heard. I've never woken up and found a plate of ANYTHING in front of me, much less a plate of ham!
Max S
Wow, Miles! If you see her, can you send her my way? I would love to have the Ham Fairy visit me! I might even share with the Terrible Twins.
Oooo, we are all going to sleep now in da hopes dat fairies show up with plates of ham. and chick-hen. and maybe some tem-tay-shuns...were yoo dreaming yoo were singing da lead in Pirates Wifout Pants?
Whaddya hafta put under your pillow for the HAM fairy to visit you?
I got just one werd for ya, Miles ... SCORE!!!
Twizz the Meezer
Send the ham fairy this way!
Hmmm! Lucky you. Our blog got the SPAM fairy. We haven't had spam in months, and then ALL those comments arrived just today. When I find the spammer, I'm going to growl and hiss and teach him not to mess with the Attack Tabby.
In fact, that "Adam" commenting above me looks like a spammer. Oh, Adam, I have something to tell you...
Okay. Dat iz it! You haz a ham fairy & I haz a momee dat goez away! I yam packin' my own suitcase ting & I yam comin' over to help you meezerz eat dat pig!
-Dr Tweety
Whoa....that's, like, as good as SANTA!
Wow, a Ham Fairy! I've heard about that, but I thought it was just in fairy tales. You are livin' the dream, buddy.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Hams? wow! Perhaps she feels bads for gettings the i pods?
Hmmm. Can I come live with you?
Gosh! How did you get a Ham Fairy?! We have a Cooking Fairy here some times, but we'z never had a Ham one... I wonder if there's a Gravy Fairy?! :)
oh boy oh boy a Ham Fairy sounds well cool - I need one to live here with me!
how are the growths from your mum's ears doing? are they still making her screech? she may need to go the doctor you know...this sounds serious! x
Tell that fairy to visit this house!!
Wow, Miles - that's so great!
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