Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Tuesday Newsday - otherwise known as The Sammy Report


Well, Miles is being de-borged. Chey sent Jean-Luc over to help wif the de-borging. I don't know how well this is going, does de-borging involve singing show tunes from some musical called "Pirates wif No-Pants" (what mom? "Pirates of Penz-ants"? now that just makes NO sense.) Hopefully he will be fully un-assimilated by tomorrow. I can't take the show tunes anymore. He's either gonna be borg-free or Johnny Depp. I'm not sure.

I am not afraid of the whirly-bird toy anymore. As long as Mommy is not holding it. She put it through the bars in the railing so that I could play wif it by myself, and I like doing that. but as soon as she touches it, I run. she's a menace to society.

I found where mommy hided the blue jay fev-vers and ate a couple. I really wonder why a blue jay would just leave all of his fev-vers in a pile in the yard like that. birds is weird. Mommy letted me sniff them all and then she WASHED them 'afore we was allowed to put them in our moufs. she's not only a menace to society, she's weird. she must be bored if she has nofing better to do than wash fev-vers.

I want to be a plumber when I grow up. Mommy used the human litterbox today and the water just ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran, so I finally jumped up on the seat and started slapping the handle. Mommy heard this and came running and she jiggled the handle too. See, I knowed how to fix it! I wonder if plumbers make lots of green papers.

I spent lots of time yesterday throwing my toys over the balcony from the upstairs hallway to the living room. With Miles being tied up singing about being a pirate wif no pants and getting his borg implants removed, I was a little bored. I also dumped the water from our water bowl into his food dish. Then I kicked Mommy in the head for a while when she was sitting on the couch. Then I unplugged her DSL and whapped the DSL modem off the table. That made her mad. So to make it up to her, I dumped my toybox all over the floor. I found toys I forgot I had! That was fun!


Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

I think that "Pirates with No Pants" sounds pretty fun. Oh, an' the blue jay fev-vers sound YUMMY!

Anonymous said...

I think that you would make a great plumber. My lady says that a lot of them have their businesses so that they don't have to listen to no one! That's a good thing she says.

Gemini said...

I think you had a fun day!

I am glad to hear that the un-assimilation is going well. It's not a pretty sight.

LZ said...

Well you can come be our plumber! The Chip Man refuses to plumb. Sounds like we could pay you in Temptations?


Renee Nefe said...

Miles sings? Oh wait...I heard him on that video your mom posted. I bet your ears are hurting.

lordjaders said...

Ha!Ha!Ha! I laughed so harrrd at yourrr post--Pirrrates With No Pants---Haaaaa!

My lady bean saw that musical too, but she saw the Pirates of Penzants verrrsion. They kept theirrr pants on. I'm not surrre if I spelled it rrright.

Lux said...

You could get so many green papers as a plumber - I'd go for it!

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

Daddy says being a plumber is a wise choice. Lots of green papers for sure. Daddy said some days that he thinks he should be a plumber rather than an engineer. Being an engineer isn't all that it seems some days, he says.


michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I can see that you have great time, and being a plumber also a good choice in my country, too. Really really lots of green papers~!!!

Frostin said...

Pirates are cool, but I tink I would rather have fun with the feathers and my toys then sing pirate songs.

Ramses said...

Sounds like one fun day! :) I think I'd have liked hearing all those show tunes and I just know I'd have loved playing with those feathers!!!!! Thankfully Mummy came home with 2 nice pigeon feathers from our pigeon friend Gerty! :)

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Wow you shure were bizzy boys. Dat's good yur mommy washed dem fevvers. Dey could have icky fings on dem you don't want in yur mouf.

Parker said...

Plumbers have to get wet a lot, are you sure you want to be one???

The Devil Dog said...

My, what a day you had. I usually go running when dad starts singing. I am glad Jean Luc is de-borging Miles. Unplugging any computer device is NOT good. That usually doesn't work. Dumping the toys sounds fun. And yes, plumbers make lots of green papers. As long as they have pants.




Yu've been furry bizee!! Yu knoo I fink dat der is lots of green fings in being a plumber. Yu is smart, handsome, and now yu is gonna be rich!

Hi Miles
We hopes yu is de-borged. Do yu look like Johnny Depp now?

::::wavin paws::::
Boo, Ping, Jinx and Gracie

Bye to my sweet handsome soon to be rich floffy cocoa puffs!

****blowin kisses****
Nosekisses and Purrs
Your adoring tiny angel princess

The Misadventures Of Me said...

Sammy you sounds likes you hads lots of funs. I don'ts play with fev vers but they's sound fun.

ZOOLATRY said...

Johnny Depp? We LUUUUUVVVVVVVVV him! Plumber? Would you come fix the leak under mombeans kitchen sink? Dadbean keeps forgetting to do it (many weeks, maybe months? now its dripped)... yes: you will make large and plentiful green papers as a plumber.

Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

Wow! You had a very busy day doing lots of fun stuff! Your mommy is so silly for washing fev-vurs!! can kitties even get bird sickies? We are not sure...

Daisy said...

Sammy, I think you would make a great plumber, you already know the basics. Do you have some pants you can wear real low in back?

Shaggy and Scout said...

What a totally busy day!!! The plumber job sounds like a good deal and could make you rich and you could have early retirement.
Maybe the fevvers were all in a pile in the yard because an outside cat got him and then his little bird body got carried off by a bigger bird. Or the blue jay is buck nekkid and pretty cold.

Twizzler, Jack, Fwankwin, and Gracie said...

Dude - you are one busy Meezer! And I totally think you should get payed for the plumbing job!
Your friend,
Twiz the Meezer

Hot(M)BC said...

Sounds like you had a busy day, Sammy. Mom says if Miles turns into Johnny Depp she'll definitely let him stay here all the time, especially if he has no pants. I don't get that, but it's what she said. I'm gonna come over and see if I can help de-borgify Miles faster. Plus Mom said to check on Sanjee since she's still over there. She's probably nosekissied half the fur off Miles's face by now, poor guy. See ya in a bit.
your bud Pepi

Anonymous said...

Sammy you had a very busy day! We think plumbers do get lotsa green papers because when we had a leak in the human litterbox the beans were grumbling about how much it cost and the ceiling had to be taken down.

We are sorry to hear that Miles has no pants and has to sing about it. Hopefully he will be better with the borg implants out.

HRH Yao-Lin said...

haha you really are a naughty meezer arent you!!!!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Pirates with no pants.....sound interesting!

You were so busy that I am wore out! How do you manage to do all those things and still nap?

The Furry Fighter said...

what a VERY meezer-like day you have had :)
and how clever of you to fix the loo - olumbers gets lots of money here in london...not sure how they get paid in your region of the world though! xxx

Sassy Kat said...

Glad you are coming to my party on Sunday. I will be spending the next several days making preparations for the party. See you soon!

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

Sammy! you iz oone BAD-A-- putty tat!!!! hahahahahaha. You just make me laugh a lot!!! (I can't let da rest of da catz in our house read dis 'cuz dey will wreak da hammocks on da momee.

-Dr Tweety

Jimmy Joe said...

Oh man, Sammy, you must be exhausted. I hope you get some good rest tonight. You'll probably have another big day tomorrow, what with the plumbing and blue jays and Johnny Depp coming by.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh, Pirates wif no pants...dat sounds like our kinda muzikal. Yeah, plummers make lotsa green papers, but dey gotsa skish around in icky water sometimes.

Mickey's Musings said...

Sammy, you have way too much energy!
Hope the de-borging went OK.Pirates with no Pants... oh cover yer eyes eek!
I'll check back tomorrow to see how things went.Later;)

Forty Paws said...

Oh goodness! You were quite the busy boy weren't you Sammy? Uh, if you wanna be a plumber, don't get plumber's crack wid yur pants, ok?

Luf, Us

Rosemary B❤️ said...

What a marvy fun day
We hope the pirates have their boxers on!

Ivan from WMD said...

Sammy, you had such a busy day I got tired from just reading about it!

P.S. The water bowl was a nice touch.

Samantha & Mom said...

Sammy you have been a busy, busy kitty today! Did you get in trouble for the dsl thing?
Your FL furiends,

Good bye my sweet Nicky

 Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky.  You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet.  I love you to the moon...