Thirteen new ways of annoying Mommy:
1. playing jingle balls in the middle of the night
2. dragging fev-ver wands onto the bed in the middle of the night
3. making mommy sleep wif one arm straight out or over her head all night
4. storing stuff unner the love seat and then staring at it until she brings it out
5. putting it all back unner the love seat
6. throwing toys in and out of the tents
7. 38 laps around the living room from the big slidy window to the kitchen wif a big poofy tail, which makes her get up and turn on the outside light. which scares the aliens away so she can't see them.
8. begging for dinner and then letting Miles eat it all
9. digging in plastic bags
10. begging for tem-tay-shuns and then walking away. then coming back to beg again, then walking away, then coming back to beg again and finally eating them. REALLY S---L----O---W so that she has to hold Miles so he won't eat mine
11. laying on the couch behind mommy and licking my lips every 5 seconds - really loud
12. yakking up kibble - one piece at a time
13. pretending i want bean food and licking the piece she gives me and walking away. if i lick it Miles won't eat it either. hee hee.
The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
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Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...

MOM When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one yea...
Meezers Mom Norton and Ralphie came to take our beautiful little Princess to the Rainbow Bridge at 5:15am this morning. (click on the link f...
you're so wonder your mommy loves you so much
KC said...
Hee hee, must get Sol & Smokey to read this an lurn from tha masters. in fact, gonna get all tha Mites and tha three lil baby cats. fanks fur this, guys.
Purrs, KC
*giggle*! You two fellows are so cute. Life is never dull in a household with two or more cats, that's for sure! *smile*!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
A tip from our orange cat who went before. If she stops noticing the lip licking thing, then just give her a little kick in the head now and then. Also, if she sings, bite her ear... You are in the perfect position for both.
Oooooooh! I get sooooo inspired by your list. SS, here we goooooo! You think I am naughty, you've seen nuttin' yet.
Oh, Sammy ... Mom would be so mad at you! We eat our food really, really fast 'cuz Sparky Fuzzypants steals our dinners if we don't.
PeeSss: Happy Blogoversary!!! Yay!
OOh, we love it! We need to try more of those. :)
Oh my Sammy, most of those sound like fun! (Except for the yakking.)
Good ones! I think I will try a few of those myself...
Haha those are good annoying fings. We bofe do #13 and that gits mum mad cuz we keep on until she gives us some, but she knows we won't eat it.
You could teach at a university! You have so many tricks up your paw!
Sammy, you are the master!!! That is a super list. #7 is a lot of fun. I do # 4& % a lot too,heehee
Keep up the good work!!!
Purrs Mickey
Oh! DIngy balls at 2am is the BEST GAME EVER!
Oh but you are sneaky Sammy. Very devious! We are most impressed.
#1 is the best.thing.ever. #9 rocks, too. And #12 made Momma giggle.
Happy Thursday!
really good ones! if i lick food sarge won't eat it either! i wonder why that is???
smiles, auntie bee
Wow Sammy. You're about as annoying as 5 or 6 of us!!! Way to go dude!
Luf, Us
Sammy you're such a pro!! You may even be more of a "handful" than Kaze.
You guys rule that house with an iron paw!
Great job, Sammy! You are one inventive kitty!
Sammy, you are such a creative buddy. I love your ideas.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
I loves to yack too! I think the beans mommys likes to clean them toos. I mean, she always says "Ooooooooooooo TT!!!" when she cleans it up. So much for a snack later tho.
Hehehehe, we'z taking notes. Mom's gotten used to da stuff we do to annoy her so she's hardly annoyed anymore. #13 won't work, Speedy will eat ANYTHING, even if one of us gerls has licked it.
Hi Guys!
Wow - these are great! We like #3 the best! :) When we do that to our Mommy she gets something called a "crink" in her neck....hehehehehe!
Thanks for sharing these with all of us :)
Rocky, Angie, & S'more xo
Yep, those will work. Good list!
jans funny farm
Good job guys!! Me dont annoy my mom too much. Me should work on thiz more...thankz for the tipz!! Goma
Lol...Great List I'll have to try these.
Sammy, we are going to have to borrow a few of those so we can try them out on our Mom! Hummmm #7 looks good and so does # 1.
Your FL furiends,
You are the best at making your mum's life more difficult.
Hey, how did her interview go?
It's ok, Miles, it's good for your staff to keep in training for those REALLY trying days serving you. Like when you need to change blog templates and stuff like that :)!
I love dinner time, and lunch time and brrreakfast too. The kitchen is my favorite room
You are funny Sammy :-D
Headbutts, Caesar
Those are some great tips. I'm definitely going to try some!
Thanks for the info. My mom's burnt to a crisp and I think contemplating some dramatic move. She's an old New Englander and knows about the snow, and as long as I don't have to go out in it, I don't care! :-)
haha I especially like the last one, a very clever siamese technique!! x
Those are just too funny. Really.
Hmmm Key's ways to annoy me, beg to be let back on the computer to blog again as if 5 kids weren't enough to keep me busy & sleeping on my feet like a dead cat. Sure it's warm but it won't move.
Sammy, if the felines around here start with these particular tricks, you're in deep doodoo.
Thanks for joining CotC this week!
Mom Robyn & Mini
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