Open closets must must must be inspekted from top to bottom and everywhere in between. You never know when you are going to find things like old yearbooks or baby pikshurs to embarass your beans with. I mean to use as blackmail. I mean to laff at. Something like that.
Since mommy is sick, I haf decided to haf a lesson on whapping the beans. Now, you might say "Sammy, if you whap the beans, you is gonna get in trouble" Well, sometimes you will, if you don't remember somefing furry impawtant- whap wif a light paw. Try flipping the female beans hair or flicking an ear. She might actually giggle when you do that. so you can whap her and make her like it!! If you haf a heavy sleeper, then nightime is the right time for whapping! You can whap them right in the face and they won't feel it if they're heavy sleepers. If they're not, then you are taking your life in your paws doing that. Instead, whap their feets through the blankies.
Whapping at ankles when they are walking by is always fun. And don't forget the ever important hand whapping when they're trying to pet you!
Practice these ideas this week!
The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
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Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...

MOM When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one yea...
Meezers Mom Norton and Ralphie came to take our beautiful little Princess to the Rainbow Bridge at 5:15am this morning. (click on the link f...
I dunno, Sammy an' Miles ... Whappin' Mom would get us into all manner of trouble. In fact, we'd get evicted from the bedroom.
Sammy - you are just a whapper! Our humans seem to like the whapping as long as you KEEP THE CLAWS IN!!! Anastasia NEVER did, hahahahahahaha! Keep the claws in that is, she did whap a lot! Emil whaps too but he keeps the claws in and they think it is just sooooo sweet....
We are very sorry to hear that your Mom is sick! Our maid says she can TOTALLY relate. She doesn't have health insurance either AND on top of that if she is sick and can't work she does not earn green papers!!! All bad.
So we will purr a lot that your Mom gets better real soon!!!
I get sent to the bathroom for 'time out' if I whap DKM.
Whapping Mommy gets us in trouble. Whapping Daddy makes Mommy laugh and Daddy shrug his shoulders.
But we learned last week that inspecting closets gets us in trouble too. Especially when Mommy comes home to find all the blankets and sheets knocked onto the floor.
We purr-ay that your Mommy feels better soon.
You boys need to take care of your mom!
I likes to jump on feets and put the bitey on them when they move under the covers!
But then I gets a time out in the bathroom.
Meezers, I just wanted to let you know that I have filled out my rezoomay for a job, and I put down that I use Meezer-approved whapping teckneeks. I hope you are okay with this!
sounds good to me! i will have to whap sarge when he goes to sleep tonight, i shall let you know how this trick works out! ha ha ha
smiles, auntie bee
I hope your mom is feeling better's no fun to be sick, even when you have cute kitties to make you laugh.
We're all purrin' our hearts out that your mommy feels better very soon.
All of us at Artsy Catsy
Thank you for the intriguing ideas!
I hope your mommy feels much better soon,
We just love coming to your blog 'cuz we always learn lots of new stuff! Miles' info about closets and the collection of blackmail/laffing material was priceless! Sammy's whapping hints are always expertly presented! Now if we could get our bunny paws to whap, we'd be able to practice!
Those are excellent rules Sammy. I can see why you are the Whapinator!
I whap Ma every time she gets up and tries to walk away from me. She doesn't like that but I don't care. -Guy
Oh and we wanted to say that we hope your human feels better soon!
Heard that your mom is sick, I am here to add to the healing purrs and hope that she gets better soon.
Only whap LIGHTLY on sick mommy!
Miles, sadly, German homes don't have closets. :( They have wardrobes though!
Sammy, thanks for the whapping lesson! We wake our mom or dad up for breakfast with a light tap of the paw. I guess you could call that a gentle whap.
Sorry about the deleted comment. I wrote something really dumb. Miles, I love your rule about closets. They must be thoroughly explored. Sammy, you have the right idea about whapping the beans. Done right, everybody has fun. I am very sorry that your Mom is sick. I will be hoping and praying that she gets well very soon.
Miles, that is so right - if the closet door is open, then it's an invitation for a kitty to inspect that open closets.
Sammy, good whapping lesson - it's easy to forget what fun a cat can have whapping their favourite humans.
We're purraying and purring that your Mom gets better really soon,
Gypsy & Tasha
Oh yes gotta remember to keep those claws in! ;)
I'm having a party here next Tuesday, please come! :)
Claws in! That's the rule around here! Please take good care of your Mommy!
Inspektin' closets is also a grate way to find new hidin' places. That way you can hide from siblin's, chillun' or beans--without goin' outside like someone did!
I wouldn't whap a sick mommy, though. I would lay down and let my presence be a comfort. Mommies often feed us!
We all hope your mommy is feelin' better soon!
Of course, by someone goin' outside, I mean Annie. She's still under our watchful eyes and noses!
Of course, by someone goin' outside, I mean Annie. She's still under our watchful eyes and noses!
Of course, by someone goin' outside, I mean Annie. She's still under our watchful eyes and noses!
Sammy and Miles
We hopes yu is takin gud care of Mommie. Today we are comin ofur wif our nursies outfits on and all of our med-ah-ka-shunz. WE are going to help yu nurse yur Mommie back.
Boo is good at whapping Momma, especially at night. She will paw paw her until she wakes her up. No claws. Occassionally when Momma pets Boo too long she will grab her arm and put a bitey on it. Not hard, juss to git her to stop.
I WHAP Daddy. I whap wif claws and teefs. Daddy gits too close to Momma and I hafta to protect Momma at all times. It's my jobbie.
**wavin paws**
Bye Miles.
We agree wif yu bout closets!
Boo, Ping, Jinx and Gracie
Bye to my sweet handsome floofy cocoa puff whapping king!
Purrs and Nosekisses
your adoring tiny angel princess
Whap whap!!!
Hope your mummy feels better.
Soft head butts
Charlotte x
I have GOT to try that whapping advice on Mom. Right now.
Fanks Whapmeister!
your bud Pepi
Pee Ess. Hope your Mom feels better fast!
Grate Meezer Rool, Miles.
And fanks again for the wonderful Valentime :)
Purrrrrrrs n nosekissies,
yore girlfriendcat Sanjee
Sometimes I get on the table and whap Momma on her butt when she's standing in the kitchen and my bowl is empty. I think it's funny but she gets mad. She also gets kinda annoyed when I investigate the closets. Makes me wonder what she has to hide...
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
P.S. Sending lots of purrs and furs to your momma so she gets better soon.
Dat wuz sweet of yu to ask bout usin my pixchur I wood be most honored...I reelly it OK furr me to borrow one of yurs to make my balentines?
Whappin' moms so they giggle is the BEST! And we hope your mom feels much better real soon!
We're way late in sayin' this but, thanks so much for the furry nice award ("Life is heck w/o freinds!") - that was furry nice of you! Our house has been kinda sad lately but you made us feel real fuzzy!
Oh and guys - pleeeeze tell your mom that our mom just sent her an email to the link that's listed on the profile to her personal blog - thanks!
Miles~I love inspecting closets! If I could just get Meowm to leave them open a little more often.
Sammy~Wow! You really to love to whap! I do more whapping than I thought I did. I whap my Meowms hands alot!
You two be sure to snuggle your Mom and keep her warm and help her get well!
another wonderful lesson guys! I have been taking notes on your whapping lessons - check out today's post! x
Gandalf & Grayson's Mom here... I think I have fallen victim to the Sleeping Whap!
I have never been much of a whapper, but I like how you think so I am going to give it a try!
Sometimes we accidentally whap Mommy at breakfast (it's not our fault that her legs get in the way when we box), and she doesn't like it - but we're gonna try the night whapping!
We is hoping dat yoor mommy is feeling better. It's horrible when dey is sick! Speedy whaps mom to wake her up in da morning but mommy calls it pats. No claws and he just 'pat,pat,pats' til mom sez good morning handsome...she also sez good morning my pretty gerls so it's just not him.
Whapping gets the squirt bottle out. I do it anyway, its nothing compared to when I give the hard bitey!
Please send over your address because mommy is sending out partners today. meow..Swap n Tails
Sammy: Your mom tells me there are still two more kitty bowling balls for you to whap. Perhaps if you finish whapping them all off it will inspire her to put them away and get that thing to stop mocking her. See a way to put your whapping skills to good use!
Hoping your mom is feeling better.
Fatty likes to whap Shadow, Molly likes to whap the beans and I do not whap anything. I must think about doings that though!
I came by to visit and say thanks for all your purrs for my mom bean when she was in the hospital. Then I learned that you momma bean is sick. I'm sorry to hear that and hope and purr very hard that she will be better very soon.
My mom bean is recovering nicely and I'm happy to have her doing a little bit of stuff each day. I do miss sitting on her all the time though.
Your in my thoughts and purrs...Hugs...Gretchen
I came by to visit and say thanks for all your purrs for my mom bean when she was in the hospital. Then I learned that you momma bean is sick. I'm sorry to hear that and hope and purr very hard that she will be better very soon.
My mom bean is recovering nicely and I'm happy to have her doing a little bit of stuff each day. I do miss sitting on her all the time though.
Your in my thoughts and purrs...Hugs...Gretchen
I shall have to try the last one. Right now, when mom pets me in the am, I try to eat her hand, chew on her thumb, that sort of stuff, As for Lucky, she likes to chew on slippers while mom is wearing them. hee hee
I think that the Pooses for Peace Bite Patrol should have some special training from both of you in whapping.
Most excellent tips.
Hope your pet human feels better soon...see you at the party.
Try whapping them when they walk by,They think you want treats ;)
Purrs Mickey
Sammy, we used to whap a lot more when we were young kits, but being more senior kitties, we just like to sleep. We are enjoying your lessons tho.
Miles, we love closets. Mom always keeps the doors open for us so we have free reign.
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