The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
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Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...

MOM When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one yea...
Meezers Mom Norton and Ralphie came to take our beautiful little Princess to the Rainbow Bridge at 5:15am this morning. (click on the link f...
I think you two look like great friends in this picture. I don't see any signs of sibling whapping at all! C'mon, Miles -- admit it, Sammy's snuggling isn't all bad!
Angus'Mom: You guys are just so beautiful! I'm sure this is a picture in a million!
Angus: Miles-Whap Sammy while you can! Bop him on the head like a little field mouse!
Awwwwwwwwww! That is a really nice picture!! Can you hear my Mom squee?
Purrs Mickey
PeeEss; Congrats on your award!
Your blog is Excellent!
We would LOVE your Vet then because we LOVE stinky goodness!!!!
Thanks for telling us that.We can use that on Mom!! Heehee
Purrs Tillie,& Mickey & Georgia
3 happy cats now :)
so how long after the flashy thing went off did the whapping commence?
You guys look like us tonight! We were snuggling too! Did you whap each other? Perfy got tired of love and left! Oh well. Thanks for visiting our blog and sending so many kitty friends over!!!
Kodak, Perf and Winton
Aww, the two of you look so sweet snuggling together. :) We think one of the best things about having a sibling is cuddling and snuggling. :)
Hahahah~! I am very happy to see you 2 back to snuggle together.
Even Sammy looked at Miles in strange way at Monday~!
You guys look so good there! I am so happy for you!
See? Now wasn't that nice? We wouldn't be surprised of this became a more common event!
Awww dat wuz a furry sweet pixchur of boff of yu..I fink yu boff wuz enjoyin da closeness.Sammy last nite while I wuz in Momma's lap and Boo wuz beside her I licked Boo's head and ear. I wuz tryin to be nice to her and she let me!
**have a gud weekend!**
Bye Miles
**Wavin paws**
Boo, Ping ,Jinx and Gracie
Bye to my sweet handsome floofy cocoa puff angel face...
Purrs and Nosekisses
Your adoring petite angel gurl
What a sweet picture! You are both such handsome devils :)
Our Mommy wishes we would snuggle like that!
Rocky, Angie, & S'more xo
Awwwww! I mean, that is a very manly picture of you guys.
Now that is one sweet picture!! it made our Mommy go 'Awwwww"
Aw, dat's nise Miles. I fink maybe Sammy lufs yoo lots n knos yoo likes to snuggle. I know I lufs yoo lots and likes to snuggle wif yoo. hehehe
Purrrrrs n nosekissies,
yore girlfriendcat Sanjee
You two look so cute snuggled together! Almost like twins!!!
This picture of you is nearly identical to the one we have up on our post!!!!
Our computer is broke.
The guy couldn't make it 'cause of the storm...
Awwww, my mommy went SQUEEEEE when she saw that. Miles, you and Sammy should snuggle more often. Maybe you need to start creeping up on him more when he is asleep.
Whoa! You are actually touching!
and nobody is biting anybody??? hmmm??? you two rock!
smiles, auntie bee
You look soooo cool snuggling together :)
Love and purrs from the SnowForest family :)
Awwwwwwwwww, this is so sweeeeeet! Snuggling is very good and you two look adorable!!!
Purrrrrrrrs, China Cat
Hi Sammy and Miles ... Sabrina here. My Sam and Simon have their moments like that too! It is nice when they get along instead of wrestling ... hee hee! And thanks for sending us over to see Kodak, Winton and Perf!
Purrs and headbutts,
awww that is nice to see you two snuggling. Must be the cold weather. Keep on snuggling!
Those look like nice meezer cuddles, Miles an' Sammy. Stay toasty!
Ya gotta snuggle with something to stay warm in the winter with.
Awwwwwww, that is so SWEET! You two are so CUTE. I know, it's cold, and a mancat has to do what a mancat has to do to stay warm.
That's great. Keep up the cuddling.
jans funny farm
Were you plotting? The only way Buddah and I would get this close is if we were plotting. The PEople just don't trust it when we're nice to each other...
Oh my goodness, you two look just precious, snuggling together! What sweet brothers you are.
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
Awww... you'z two look so much like My Mummy's old Meezer girl in that photo you've made her go all mushy! ;) Guess I'll have to go give her a good fussing now! :)
You too look furry cute and comfy here. And furry similar...we wonder if it's hard for your beans to tell you apart.
Way too cute!!!
I just love that photo. I don't think that I have ever seen the two of you not movin. Too cute.
Very companionable! Thank you so much for visiting my blog during my surgery and diagnosis, and for leaving such encouraging comments. I am so thankful to have so many supportive friends. Purrs!
How beautiful you two are all snuggled up that way!
I'm sure you have already received this, but we rated your blog E for Excellent! We love reading about your antics. If you don't already have it, you can come get your badge on our blog.
Thanks for being a bright spot in our days,
Zoey and the Furballs
Keep it up, the world needs more pitures with 2 Meezers in it...
i think you guys are plotting something together aren't you....that is a great photo!
Awwwwwww you two looks cute like that!
There just ain't nothin' like a good snuggle with your family.
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers & Purrs Gang
Awwwwwwwwwwwww....that is so cool!! Mom wishes we did that!
Your FL furiends,
Oh my cat!! You two look so very cute together all snuggly!!
Oh guys, you're so cute together - you should snuggle more often. Our Mum just wanted to reach through the screen and give you a big hug - distance saved you this time.
Gypsy & Tasha
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