Oh. My. Bast.
Lookit what my wonderful marvelous beautiful tuxie angel princess girlfriend Abby
gived me (er, US).
I is just so happy and purroud.
Fank you so much Abby!
Did I tell you how wonderful Abby is?

So for this time,
We would like to gif this award to
Max - our hero
Angus - a wonderful dude
Magoo, Bella, Dolce and Baci - because they always haf wonderful stories
William (and Caroline, Olivia and Russell) because we haf always loved their blog
our new furriends Wrigley and Cobalt
Also, we gotted tagged by The Zoo for the nickname meme. We did this one already, but it's good that we gotted tagged again because since them mommy has started calling us more nicknames than you can count. so, here we go
Sammy - the one I like - Angel Face
the ones I don't like - Sam-a-lam-a-ding-dong (this is an old one) sammy-sam-sam (another one), squishy belly flab boy
Miles - well, Miles no longer has only one nickname (Poosie) - he now has the following nicknames - all of which he hates: poosie pooserman, poose-a-lishus, the ever popular freaky boy, chub butt, girly hips (oh yeah, he does haf girly hips, but that's just rude to point it out to him), skunk boy (this is actually and old one going back to when he was a baby meezer and he hadded 2 black stripes down his back like a reverse skunk)
We think everyone has been tagged for this, but if you haf not played, consider yourself tagged
Personally I like Sam-a-lam-a-ding-dong. It's very cute.
You guys are wonderful! Thanks for the award...Poosie-Poo and Squishy belly flab boy!
Excellent award, guys ... an' a bunch of embarrassin' nicknames, too.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Hysterical nicknames dudes! And congrats on your award!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Concatulations on your award!! Thanks for sharin' your nicknames, now we know efurrybody has them and won't feel so bad 'bout ours!!
Cool, thanks!
Good going on the award, guys! You deserve it.
Here's to you, Miles and Angel Face.
Poose a licious? I can see why you'd object...
Congrats on the award boys - nice nicknames - we think that squishy belly flab boy and skunk boy are the stand-outs...hehehehe
Gypsy & Tasha
Oh I'z purrty sure that Abby gotted your message! ;)
Poose-a-lishus! Oh Sanjee is gonna like dat one Miles! Dose were furry koot nicknames and Sammy yu are an angel face...♥SAMMY♥!!!!!
**wavin paws**
Bye Miles
Boo, Ping, Jinx and Gracie
Bye to my sweet handsome floofy cocoa puff angel face....
Purrs and Nosekisses
Your tiny babycakes
We think squishy belly flab boy is totally uncalled for.
Thank you furry much for our furst award. It makes us feel very happy andd speshial. The bean says she will help us put it on our blog very soon.
*whispers* psstt Me tinks you mommy is kinda cwazy, poose-a-lishus? sam-a-lam-a-ding-dong? me don't get it? ~Empress
hehe great nicknames, I like the sam a lam a ding dong, I find it very musical to say out loud!x
Congratulations on your award. It is very well deserved. You have quite a collection of nicknames. I can see why you object to some of them.
Congrats on your award, you are two excellent kitties! You remind our mamma of a siamese she had named Fred and also her Himalayans Brownie and Princess Vanilla. Brownie had an embarrasing name too "Racoon Butt" :)
Girly hips? We can't even go there without breaking into hysterical laughter, sorry, Miles. Congrats on the award. What a nice honor.
Cool new award! Ya deserve it...
Hi Sammie and Miles,
Thanks for visiting us! Now we can tell our doggie that we got a new visitor today! yippee!
Kodak, Perf and Winton
Congratulations with the award, Miles and Sammy!!
"girly hips" is BAD but is "Sam-a-lam-a-ding-dong" too? Hahahahaha
What is it with beans and nicknames anyway? Can you tell me Angel Face? heeheehee Maybe poose-a-lishus can. Hahaha!!
Those are neat.
Purrs Mickey
Thanks for the award, guys! And congratulations to you, too!
"squishy belly flab boy"? My mom tells me I have a squishy girl belly but at least she doesn't call me that.
Congratulations on your award! :) You both have some very cute nicknames!
Miles, really..."girly hips"?!!! Are you eating THAT much ham?
Rude, just furry furry rude. Yoor mom should not point out dat yoo haf girly hips! *psst* So does Speedy, but don't tell him we said so...hahahahaha
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