Rejoice! He is Risen!
What about a basket of tem-tay-shuns instead?

The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...
Hoppy Easter to you too!
I got a whole HAM!!! for Easter!
Happy Easter to youz all. we hopes your meowmzie fells better and your eye gets better soon Miles.
Happy Easter!! He is Risen Indeed!!
~Meeko, Kiara, & Fambly
Me and mine are wishing you and yours an eggxtra special Happy Easter!
I am rejoicing for a basket of temptations!
Happy Easter to all of you! :)
Happy Easter yall!
A basket of tem-tay-shuns would be efun better, or a basket of hams!
Purrrrrrrrs (n nosekissies to Handsum Miles),
Alla Us Hotties (and the nosekissies are frum yore girlfriendcat Sanjee)
Happy easter and God bless to you and your family.
Yes, I do believe in God. I have to, I suffer so much it is the only way I can survive.
The Lord is risen indeed! Alleluia. Hope you have a blessed Easter!
Hoppy Easters!!
Happy Easter!
The Lord is Risen, indeed - Alleluia, Alleluia!
A happy and blessed Easter to everyone in the Meezer household! :)
Love and purrs,
Rocky, Angie, S'more & our Mommy,
Karen xo
Happy Easter you two, I know you are having a fun day today. Everyday is fun!
Happy Happy Easter!!!
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers & Purrs Gang
Happy Easter Sammy, Miles and Bill! We hopes your eye is getting better Miles ...
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Happy Easter!
Teleport over for some ham at 5 PDT (an' it's 79 degrees right now).
Mebbe I will takes some of dat chowder dat Bill waz wearin' on hiz noggin.
Happy Easter Meezerz!
Happy Easter from the girls at topcatrules! - Tigger and Trixie and Pyewacket, waving at you from Australia!
Happy Easter!!!! Rising temptations... now there's a thought!
Doesn't Easter mean... HAM?!?!!
An hard boileded eggs - them is good, too.
happy easter, alla youse kitty-guys an' beans!!we hope the joy of the season infuses you all.
we gots to hunt for temtayshuns this morning!! ed got most of them; for a fatboy, he can sure move fast when food is involved.
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter to all of you.
Purrs Mickey
Have a Blessed Easter! with Tempations!
Happy happy Easter my friends!
Happy Easter to all of you.
Happy Easter to you all.
Roxy & Lucky
Happy Easter to you all!
Happy Easter to yoo and yoor fambly!
Happy Easter Miles and Sammy and Bill and your family! He is risen indeed!
We had ham for dinner!
Hope you had a very Hoppy Easter! (With LOTS of ham!!!)
Hope you didn't run off that bunny! I am so stuffed with ham that you can have the rest!!!
Happy Easter. He is Risen Indeed!
Willow and I hope that all of you had a Happy Easter Day! We were lucky enough to get some Easter Temptations today! Hope that you did too!
Purrrrrrrrs, China Cat
Happy Easter! I think a basket full of Temptations would be perfect. I hope that your eye is feeling better, Miles, and that your Mom is feeling better, too.
He has Risen indeed!! Amen!
His little creations~ Queen Snickers & Empress
Happy Easter!! We hope you all hadd a wonderful Easter.
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