Even Meezer Mancats can share the love.
(this is a "pre icky eye" pikshur of me)

The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...
Awwwwwwwwwwww! You must be very comfortable with your sexuality to share this kind of mancat love. I am confident too, I do not mind smelling other mancats butts!
Air kisses right? Or just on the cheeks, very fashionable.
Oh how cute! How sweet. Awwwwwwww
That's mom, can you tell?
Roxy & Lucky
you two are adorable, i mean very manly mancats!!!
smiles, auntie bee
We saw you at Daisy Mae's and wanted to stop by to wish you a Happy Easter!
Yeah, kisses from brofurs is always great!
That is so sweet you guys!
Kissing on da cheek...furry european! Dat's a nice swetter!
Brotherly love!! That's so cool man!!
Have a great Mancat day :)
Purrs Mickey
I think he must have had some ham or stinky goodness on his face and you were just helping him clean up...right? ;)
Brother love is the best~!!!
Happy Easter to you!
Oh - we like to do that too - It is fun to bathe each other because we usually end up wrestling then.
Hope your eye is doing better.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Smoochies make everything better!
AWwww Miles we feel furrs yu...we hopes yur eye is feelin better. It wuz so sweet of yu to give Sammy sum kitty kisses. How is Billy's eye doin?
***wavin paws***
Bye Billy
Bye Miles
***blowin kitty kisses***
Bye to my sweet handsome floofy cocoa puffs
Purrs and nosekisses
Your adoring little petite angel gurl
Miles, I hope your eye is all better.
You two are such wonderful brothers!
I hope you had a delightful Easter!
miles, you guys are such marvy brofurs!! we is glad you loves each ofur so much; that bodes furry well for li'l bill!! we hopes your eye is gettin' more betterer . . . !
happy easter, happy spring to you all!
peeyes: how's mom meezer??
Love your sweater, Miles! We hope your eye is almost better!
I thoughts you two were sharing secrets?
Awww, that is too sweet! I wish Simon was nicer to my Sammy like that ...
Purrs and headbutts,
Aww, that's such a sweet photo. :) Having a brother is the best!
That is very sweet!
Meowm and I hope you are all feeling better!
Miles you are such a sweetie!!!
Dearest Meezer Family,
Brotherly love is always good. It's like a good pat on the back. There are 6 of us boycats in our house and we make sure to give each other "kisses" every day. Now they ain't the same kinda kisses we give the girl cats in our house...HUBBA HUBBA!!! Us boycats call the kisses we give the girlcats "Swappin' Spit"...it's some good stuff!
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers & Purrs Gang
That is very sweet, Miles.
Awww, brofurly love!
Awww! We hope your eye is feeling better.
You two are very manly (even if Miles is wearin' a "Dr. Huxtable" sweater).
Happy ManCat Monday!
Aww, I kiss Empress on the forehead right before a whap her ears! hehehe ~Queen Snickers
Oh Miles, maybe you should have some ham. That would make you feel better.
Do you think Bill gave you his eye infection?
How cute ~ you guys are adorable :)
Purrs from the SnowForest family :)
Dat iz purrty cute.
Dat waz a good suggestshun. I better gets da Maxi to open some devilish ham fur us!!! You guyz likes ham, right!!!?
Glad to see you sharing da love.
oh yoo are so handsomes.
Aww you two are the sweetest mancats.
What an adorable picture!
Wow, you two are really going at it! :-P
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