::SIGH:: - another week has come and gone and we STILL haf not posted about the gifties we gotted from Grr, Midnight and Cocoa (contest winnings) and Skeeter, LC, and Ayla (auction winnings!). THE MOM is a lazy........... oh, sorry mommy, I didn't know you were behind me. I knows you're tired from your "job" but neglecting us and our furriends is a bad bad thing. And you wonder why you get kicked in the head in the middle of the night. and OH, we are OUT of crunchy foods. COMPLETELY OUT. THE MOM was too lazy...............oh, you're still there mommy? i know, you didn't realize we were out of crunchy foods until it was bedtime last night. Like that's an excuse to not go to the store. who cares if you're in your pajamas. I mean, there's plenty of other lunatics out there at the store in their pajamas too. Just buy some sort of adult beverage wif the cat food and you'll fit right in. Ok, no? well, don't be surprised if we try and eat you in the middle of the night then. Especially Sammy, you KNOW he gets crazy when he can see the bottom of the crunchy bowl. It's your fault if you get bunny kicked in the head again tonight. I'm just saying.
The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
Friday, May 30, 2008
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Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...

MOM When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one yea...
Meezers Mom Norton and Ralphie came to take our beautiful little Princess to the Rainbow Bridge at 5:15am this morning. (click on the link f...
Mum laughed hard about shopping in PJ's and buying adult beverages. I wonder if she has ever done that.
I hope your mum uses some of the weekend to make sure you gets a good supply of foods in.
uh oh... no crunchy foods? i would not like that either. i like crunch stuff. mommie, go to the store!!! okay!!!????
smiles, auntie bee
Miles, my friend, you must remember your mommy is only human, and, sad to say, she is going to make mistakes.
Please be patient with her, because she really does love you and wants you to be happy.
(Even if she lets you RUN OUT OF CRUNCHIES!)
Hahahaha, Speedy offen parks his butt on mom's head in da middle of da night. Oh, and mom haf been to da store in her pajamas...and she din't effun buy any adult beverages!
running to the store in the jammies is much easier in the winter as you can hide most of it with your coat. In the summer not so easy...especially with summer jammies! :o
But I did see some lady at the store once who looked like she was shopping in her bathrobe, slippers and had a rough night sleeping cuz her hair wasn't even combed. YIKES! I hope I never look that bad at the store.
I've been a very bad mom loads of times, we always manage to survive. Lilly likes people food and the rabbits will eat grass & stuff from my garden. The humans...well we've never run out of food cuz I'm silly and stock up when food is on sale. our freezer is overstocked.
Poor Miles, Sammy and Billy,
Your mommy ran out of crunchies. You must remember tho that she has a 2 hour drive each way to work, plus 8 hours of work, so she is gone 12 hours every day, so by the time she gets home, she is very, very tired. The job is what keeps you in crunchies in the first place. She will just have to run to the store tomorrow. Go easy on her. She does love you, ya know?
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Beans are really hard to push~!!!
Hangon my buddy~! I can understand your points!
I can't imagine a world without crunchies!
Out of crunchies? Oh no! Are your stores open at night? Here in Munich, stores close at 8 pm.
Oh dear, hope your Mommy got your some crunchies!!!
Oh my dear Sammy did yu make it thru da nite OK? NO CRUNCHIES???? Aaaaahhhhhhhh I wood bunny kick Momma in da head too. She knoos dat when we sit togather dat when I git up and STARE at her it is time to give me MOORE tem-tat-shuns. I half her trained furry gud. If she doesn't give dem too me, I put da bitey on her fingers and take her to da bag. It's furry easy. I highly rek-co-mend dis to efurryone.
**wavin paws**
Bye Billy
Bye Miles
**blowin kisses**
Bye to my sweet handsome hungry floofy cocoa puffs meezerman
Purrs and nosekisses
Your adoring tiny tuxie princes
Aaaaaaah! NO CRUNCHIES? This is not good, not good at all. We think you should come over here and share ours until your Mom goes to the store.
At least you gave her fair warning that she is going to get bunnykicked in the head!!
When my mom was in college she would go to the store in her pajama pants, but it seem all the other kids were doing it too!! Now a days she would like to go in her pajama pants, but she doesn't!
Thanks for coming by and reading our dad's story!!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
The other day we had to eat *gasp* dog crunchies because Mommy was so lame! She tried to make up for it with temptations, but it didn't work we were mad and starving for hours!
We hope your Mom gets time to relax and buy crunchies for you this weekend!
that is too funny!!!!
we are almost out of foods too so mommy better go to the store today or we will sneak and eat HER dinner when she is not looking..
Oops. Sounds like your mom is in the doghouse, so to speak.
No crunchies??? This is a panic situation. I hope she gets her act together today. Do you want me to send you some?
OUT OF FOOD?!!!!! How much of your human did you eat last night?
Meezer Mom! Crunchies! Now!
We like the idea of fitting in with the pjs and the adult beverage. You make an excellent point! HA!
It's not like yoo havvint warned her whut can happin. I wood throw in a thret to the adult bevrige supply. When Daddy's cold box runs low on beer he gets reel jumpy.
You're completely out? And you haven't starved to death yet? Wow, you guys are strong!!! So when are we going to fire this "Work" thing??
Yikes, no crunchies!?!?! This is a dangerous emergency!
No chrunchies?!?! What did you do??
No crunchies? That is a disaster! If we finish all our crunchies in the night,I walk all over the Beans heads until mum gets out and gets some more.
Oops - your mom best cover her head tonight! :)
Oh my goodness no crunchies?! What da?! Owr mom would go to da store for adult bevrigges and crunchies if we could get adult bevrigges late at night. Well, schmaybe not anymore but she wooda when she wuz yunger.
Fanks for yur concern bout my stolen teefies. I still don't know why dey are gone. I keeps lickin my lips and mine nose is all swollen from banging da cage.
Da non caring stabby place I went to wuz in Meriden Ct not in Mew Haven. We may be going to a holistic v.e.t. frum now on.
Owr lady said yer lady is tired, not lazy...if that's the kase than she shuld break up with Mr. Job and spend all hur time with yoo all!
surprise! theres something for you at my blog!
I think it's unanimous..The lack of crunchies in your bowl and in your house is an INTERNATIONAL EMERGENCY!!!!! We must consider mounting a rescue effort to provide crunchies for you before you keel over from the lack of them!
mom can't really say much, she's too busy laughing. Hope your mom gets to the store quick!
The clothes these days are so wierd,ya can't tell what's regular clothes and what's PJs so your Mom better get you crunchies!!!!
That must beat bunnyicks,right? Heeheehee
Purrs Mickey
Note to Meezer Mom ... We can't protect you if you run outta crunchy foods an' MilesSammyBilly eat you in the middle o' the night. Just sayin ...
Fank you for leaving purrs! You won't believe me if I tells you, stop by when you has a chance its a miracle! And Mom Bean has ALOTS of 'splainin!!!
No excuses for not having crunchies. Why, that would be like running out of ... carrots! (shudder!)
No cat crunchies???? She could have had a all ham pizza delivered.
Our pet human use to shop in pajamas when she lived in California.... she thinks it is against the law here in puritan MA.
There's nothing sadder than an empty crunchy bowl.
Hahaha! Yeah, mom's should always go out for food in the middle of the night.
Lol...You tell her Miles :)
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