Thirteen Things heard around Casa de Meezer this week:
1. Billy, get off your brother's head
2. Miles, stop dancing on my bladder
3 Sammy, get off my head, it's hard to sleep with your foot in my ear
4. Sammy, I know where you're hiding and I'm not coming to look for you
5. Billy, get out of the dishwasher
6. Billy, stop pulling dust bunnies out from under the fridge.
7. Billy, stop playing with the toilet. or are you training to be a plumber
8. Miles, slapping my hand will NOT get you bacon any faster
9. Sammy, stop kicking me in the head
10. Miles, please don't lick my teeth
11. Sammy, seriously. STOP KICKING MY HEAD
12. Oh for Pete's Sake Sammy, if you kick my head again I'm going to............
13. oh Sammy, you're too cute. but stop kicking my head
The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
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Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...

MOM When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one yea...
Meezers Mom Norton and Ralphie came to take our beautiful little Princess to the Rainbow Bridge at 5:15am this morning. (click on the link f...
sammy you were whapping your mom, weren't you? har har har...
smiles, auntie bee
Ooh, we hopes the next words arent "Im closin the bedroom door"!
and why might you be kicking the head that earns the food that feeds you?
It's a good thing you're cute Sammy, otherwise you mighta been in trouble!
Doood...kick her head... =snort=
It is a good thing that you guys are cute...or else......
Your Mom is sooooo lucky to have you guys!
Being cute really helps, doesn't it?
- Merlin, the cute one. ;)
Hey, I'm cute too. I'm just better behaved than you.
- Dragonheart, the well-behaved, cute one. :)
I love to bunny kick Mommy in the head! Especially if I *need* something!
Ewww, teeth licking, that definitely needs to be stopped ... hee hee!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
***kitty grins***
Sammy yoo is gud!
Momma said I was bright and spunky this mornin. Daddy diddant tells her dat yessturday I was actin funny a'fore he left furr werk. Den I wuz sleepy sleepy whens she gotta home, but I did greet her at da doors like I always do, so she juss thought I wuz tired. But when Daddy said I wuz actin funny she got all werried and stuff. But I wuz roundin up and movin em out dis mornin. So she finks it wuz juss my normal stomach cramppies...
**wavin paws**
Bye Billy
Bye Miles (toof washin?)
**blowin kisses**
Bye to my sweet handsome floofy cocoa puffs meezerman hero....
Purrs and Nosekisses
Your adoring little spunky tuxiegirl
Good thing you guys are so cute!!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
Heh heh. Luf it!
Luf, Us
What crazy fun times you guys haves. I thinks maybe I need another meezer friend to play wifs at my house. Mom's can I have a pets?
Do yall haf a fing for heads n fings on heads like teefs? hehehe
Purrrrrrs n nosekissies to my handsum boyfriendcat Miles! Luf Sanjee
MOL!! Sounds like you are causing lots of trouble for your Mom!
Miles, it sounds as though you've been loafing off, only 2 out of 13. You feeling OK, buddy?
We see things are going their normal course at your place.
Hehe Renna likes to lick momma's teeth too! Then momma make a pttt pttt pttt sounds!
Sounds like our house except it is Zevo stop....Nubi stop...!!!
It sounds like someone has been busy - or is that multiple someones???
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Ha ha ha! A lot of that stuff gets said around our house, too . . .
Billy, wanna play? Huh? Wanna PLAYPLAYPLAY?????
I dont care whoo yoo is. Dats sum funnee stuff rite thare.
You sure hafs some fun ofer at your house. My miewmie is always telling me not to walk on her bladur or her paycemakir.
Do you ever give the bitey? Or do you stop at whapping and kicking? I prefer the bitey myself!
Sammy, dood! You were bunny-kicking your mom's head? Righteous, dude, righteous!
It seems to me that those things may have been said by just one person at your house. hee hee
#10 made Momma snort tea out of her nose.
Hee hee hee hee hee hee you kitties are always makin' me laugh.
HAHAHAHA, your poor mum. My mum rarely has to tell me to stop, unless I put the bitey on her!
You guys do such hard work to be rebuffed so! Things we heard in our house...MEEEEEEZZZZZZZZZEEEEEEE as Kaze has been screaming about not being played with. Its ear piercing.
Except for the tooth-licking part, it sounds a lot like our house, too.
Except with all of us, the beans get mixed up on our names. That's really funny.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and wishing me a Happy Birthday and Gotcha Day.
Missy Blue Eyes
Ha, ha, guys have been very busy whapping, kicking and eating : )
Miles is lickin' yur teef?! Yoo still has teef?! Da bad V.E.T. STOLE MINE TEEFIES!
You guys are just too funny. We love you all.
Roxy & Lucky
Hee hee, great Thursday Thirteen!
Miles, don't feel bad, buddy -
S'more sometimes kisses our Mommy's teefs, too :)
Oh, goodness ... Love the "licking my teeth" part.
Wow... kicking in the head. That's great. I love sitting on bladders too. Very cool...
All Jan did as we read this is sigh. We don't know what that means. Do you think these sound familiar to her?
Jan, shat do you mean, just change the names? We NEVER do things like that.
I like #13!! Mom's always cave!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey
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