WOW!! Over at Cat Crossings, our friends Dino and Egypt and Tuxie, Maxie and Midnight, there is a new Meezer Happening - sometime today they will be posting about Meezer Color Day! So all you Meezers (and those with the Meezer'tude) set aside June 11!!!
I will be answering questions Friday (but Tigmut'hep my friend, it's not the heft of what you whap but the distance that it flies and the artistry of the destruction you leave behind). I must commend young BilliamNortonSweetFeetsGingerSnap on the whapping of an entire roll of charmin (the kind that is equal to 6 rolls of regular) into the human litterbox while mommy was in the tub. I salute you young Billy. Making mommy cry while she is in the tub is an awesome feat indeed.
The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
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Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...

MOM When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one yea...
Meezers Mom Norton and Ralphie came to take our beautiful little Princess to the Rainbow Bridge at 5:15am this morning. (click on the link f...
no no no, don't make mommie cry honey!!! make her laff!!!
smiles, auntie bee
Oh man! Mom would KILL me if I did that!
That'll teach your mommy to put the lid down while she is in the tub - mol. Good job Billy. (Sorry Meezer Mom).
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
I think it might be a good idea to only leave human litterboxes open in rooms with you things don't mind going for a swim.
Did that roll of Charmin get REALLY BIG??? Billy Gingersnap is getting to be a big mancat to whap with such style! Now, if he can whap and tail poof at the same time ... what an event that would be! Hee Hee!
Dat would make our mommy cry too...and not in a good, happy tears way!
Ah my Sammy my whapping guru, but when your Mum's installed a special cat proof toilet roll holder that prevents that sort of destruction that young Billy excels at, well it leaves me with very few options here... My ever growing need to whap Ramses who is a sucky faced Mummy's boy as well as a body building muscle freak has started to make me all twitchy, so I have turned to 'nip and plan to abuse it until the feeling passes or I can work out a way of whapping him good and proper and not winging up in ICU! ;)
Wowza! Billy's learning from the best! What can anybody expect?
-sigh- there's no fun like that at my house. Maybe you guys should come over and visit?
Whoa! Billiam the beasty boy is really taking his lessons well, Sammy!
Jeepers!!!!! Little Billie is startin' to fit right in there! Great training Sammy :)
I'll check out the Meezer happenings,after all,as a cat I'm curious :)
Purrs Mickey
Miles, thanks for letting us know about Meezer Colour Day (note the correct spelling ;)
Sammy, we are not surprised that Billy has become such a good whapper with a teacher and role model like you! :)
Billy Sweet Feets, did you REALLY whap that into the tub? Sounds more like Sammy to me. Did you ask for DNA evidence? Don't admit to anything! Deny all!!! Contact me immediately! I can't let my Sweet Feets get into trouble, especially for making his mommy cry. Was she crying cause she was laughing so hard??? Should I send over a case of Charmin to get you out of trouble???
Love, Auntie Deb
Oh dat Meezer Color fingy sounds fun. Can I come wif yoo even tho I's not a Meezer, Miles?
Purrrrrrs n nosekissies,
yore girlfriendcat Sanjee
I salute Whapper-In-Training Billy! (Good job teaching him, Whapmeister!)
your bud Pepi
Billy dat wuz a fantastical whap if yu got dat big of roll into dee hooman litterbox. Wowie wish I hadda seen it. I juss take my whappin out on my brofurs and sisfurs. Whappity whap whap I has dee fastest paw in da howze....fanks to my sweetie Sammy!
**wavin paws***
Bye Billy whapper in training
Bye Miles
and Gracie
***Blowin kisses***
bye to my sweet handsome floofy cocoa puffs meezerman whappanator extraordinare...
Purrs and Headbumpies
Your adoring tiny tuxie princess
Wow! Billy is coming along quite nicely, Sammy! All that training and hard work is paying off.
Billy~Was your Mom laughing so hard she was crying, or was that the last roll of toilet paper?
Wow! Sammy maybe I should have just called you (and Billy) instead of Tony....
Billy, you are a very bold boy ! Wahtever will you fink of next ?
Goodness! That's a lotta big manheap! Yesserriee indeed.
Luf, Us
Great whapping Billy, but then you have got a good teacher.
Mum always keeps the lid on the toilet to stop things getting whapped in there, and so we can't dangle our paws in it. It wuz after I whapped the (mum's words - heavenly scented) pot pourri that she brought back furrom Paris, that she started keeping the lid down. I thought it wuz an introoder and it wuz there furr an hour befurr I drowned it.
Bwaaaaaaahahahahahaha!!! Thanks. I really did need that laugh today!
My Dear Billy SweetFeets (BSF): Of COURSE we will critique your artwork; although I have no doubt that you are a budding young prodigy like young Faith Boo. I think I know why you whapped the TP into the human litterbox. You were going to do some Papier-mâché (French for 'chewed-up paper' because of its appearance), sometimes called paper-maché, is a construction material that consists of pieces of paper. The crafted object becomes solid when dried.
How very creative of you! Going a totally different direction from Faith! From one so young, this talent is nothing short of amazing! Please BSF’s Mommy…take pictures of his next work!
Now, BSF, your Mommy can’t be certain that YOU peed on the bed until the DNA evidence comes back from the lab. Until then, deny everything. Blame your rambunctious brothers…that’s what they are for! Oh, and try to take it easy on your hard working Mommy, cause she is out earning green papers to buy your TP and food with.
Love, Auntie Deb
Sammy - Are you okay man, cause you just commended Billy. Are you ill? Do we need to call a V-E-T? - Captain Jack and Dante
Young Billiam sure is off to a wonderful start at Man Catting! Now he just needs to gnaw a hole in something a speaker!
Worry not little Bill, I know what its like with the meezers around you. You're gonna do just fine for yourself!
And yes...dang it, I only weigh 13 lbs so Miles does outweigh me.
Good job, Bill! Drippy TP makes beans kinda cranky. heh heh
Billy I tink you sould come play wif our woffie, does you like dem? She empty out a whole box a klenex one at a time whiles mommy was at dayhunt and puts them all over day house. ~Empress
Uh Oh Billy, you keep that up and The Mom Lady might not want to call you Sweet Feet anymore!
Billy Strikes Again, hmmm sounds likes a good movies in the making!
Billie, that sounds like a very fun experiment. Maybe you will grow up to be a scientist!
Oh Billy, you are very naughty, Hellie is so proud of you. It was a good plan to be naughty whilst your Mum is in the tub, that way she can't come and take your whapping project away from you.
i neveh made mommeh cry. But, i do make her very mad sumtims. Especially when i do sumfin she can't yell at mez fer acause i did it when she wasna lookin. Or home.
Oh Billy, please don't give Maggie (TP shredder) any ideas of other things she could do to destroy TP.
Outstanding whapping, Mr. Bill! You have a brilliant future ahead of you...
Billiam gets a three whap salute for taking care of the TP. Mum keeps the roll inside a cabinent so I can't whap it.
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