GUESS WHAT??? ME is BIG MANCAT!!!! Wanna know why? well, 'acuse me gotted TAIL POOF like my big mancat hero Chase. The mom lady person taked me outside wif her for a walk around the house (me could not get down though) and me sniffed the wind and it smelled really good, and then me gotted the love paws and head bumpied the mom lady person (and wiped my eye goop all over her face!! hee hee) and then she putted me in the back her big metal monster wif wheels - it's all open in the back and has a plastik floor wif ridges that me did not like furry much, but she lookded and saided that ME hadded TAIL POOF!!! Just like Chase!! so ME says ME is big mancat, efen if the mom lady person says I'm still a baby 'acause I has a little teeny baby face.
The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
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Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...

MOM When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one yea...
Meezers Mom Norton and Ralphie came to take our beautiful little Princess to the Rainbow Bridge at 5:15am this morning. (click on the link f...
YOU'VE BEEN TAGGED! Go to my blog at for details. Make sure you go so you don't spoil the fun! :o)
[P.S. I LOVE "Tail Poof" SOOO funny! :")]
little silly billy! ha ha ha
smiles, auntie bee
Oh Bill, you are so cute. Keep practising and when you get bigger you will have the tail poof down perfect! We are certain of it.
Yes, you are a little mancat. You will grow up fast enough don't rush things. What fun you must have had outside with the mom.
Sending you all hugs in memory of Bonnie Underfoot.
Roscoe, Sassy, Momo & Opus
WOO HOO!! Great job Billy! Chase will be proud!
Excellent Billy - we're proud that you had your first tail poof!
Yea Billy, but don't be in too much of a hurry to grow up. Enjoy being a youngun. We hope the next time you get a tail poof your mom can take a picture.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Well if you have a big mancat tail poof then you must be a big mancat! What do Sammy and Miles think of THAT?!
Wow, even Kavan doesn't do the tail poof that often!
Tail poof! yeah!!!
Kodak, Winton and 3 perf
A tail poof? Wow, Billy, very impressive! We are jealous. We can't poof our tails because we have no fur.
Hmmm.. I don't do the tail poof and I am 2. I don't practice, so that could be it. But maybe it is because I am a ladykitty.
Anyway, good job on the tail poof!
Oh Billy yu did da tail poofs? Wow dat is big mancat stuff alright..I can't do any tailpoofs cuz I don't half a tail...
***wavin paws***
Bye Billy Gingersnap
Bye Miles
***blowin kisses**
Bye to my sweet handsome floofy cocoa puff meezer man...
Purrs and headbutts
Your adoring petite tuxie princess
Pee Ssss
Sammy c'mon ofur I half found a great spot furr us to snuggle!
Well done on the tail poof Billy. I do the tail poof too but Eric can't. It takes a big Mancat to control how much tail he poofs. Your mancat training is coming on well.
Tail Poof? Already? Wow, you're certainly on your way, Billy!
Oh Billy, your Mommy must have been so proud!
You tail poofed! You are growing up soooo fast!
Billy, WOW, your tail really are a MANCAT!!! Impressive dude!!!
Billy Sweet Feets: Will you still be my sweetie even though you are now a poofy-tail mancat???
Love, Auntie Deb
YAY BILLIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tail poof!!!!! You're gonna be a great Mancat!!!!!!!!!!
Was the poof bigger than you ? Heehee :)
Purrs Mickey
Oh, BillySweetFeets, I am so relieved! I was worried when I read about your floofy tail that you were getting too big to be my Sweetie!!!
Love Always, Auntie Deb
Tail Poof?! YAY for tail poof! PLAY PLAY PLAY!! I am coming Billy. PLAY! NOW! TAIL POOF AND PLAY!!! - Fagin
Mombeans always think we're babies. But the tail poofy is mancatly yeah.
Miles, want to come ofur while Gree goes to the v-e-t? And maybe bathe in sunspots?
Purrrrrrrrs n nosekissies,
yore girlfriendcat Sanjee
tail poof.
kewl. You are a big mancat!
Billy, Billy, Billy, what's the hurry? You have a lot of years to be a mancat. Enjoy kittenhood. You can get away with so much more. That's my view any way.
Congratulations on your first tail poof, Billy! You sure are growing up fast, you cute little ginger snap!
Good job on the tail poof, little dude!
Wow, dat was somefing to see I bet.
Tail poof! Dat's fun. Hey you guys, I'd luf to come ofur to play, but I see Abby invited Sammy an Sanjee invited Miles ofur fur snuggles! Don't leaf ME to play wif Billy an Fagin alone! I's a big man cat, but dat's two against one!
PS Billy, I seen 2 kindsa tail poof. One is when yur super-duper happy bout bein brushed, an the ofur is when sumfin surprises you. Dat's the one Bonnie had trubble wif.
I like to kiss kitties and poke kitties and wrestle kitties and snuggle kitties and I even like kitty whaps and wrasslin'!
Chase is a good Mancat role-model to emulate!
You're getting to be a bigger mancat every day!
And in Dad's story, don't be offended by the evil meezers ... only three are bad, really.
Good job young Bill!! That means you truly are growing up fast. I'm happy to have another cat with the tail poof tradition.
You do have a tiny baby face, but if you can poof like that, you must be a mancat! We are sorry you got scared in the metal monster though!!
Meezer Mom: the situations where dd gets frustrated by all the shouting out of answers are usually at field trips where the person asking the questions just doesn't seem to know how to take charge.
DD says that she thinks she would really have liked school in the pioneer days, cuz the kids weren't allowed to speak without being called on.
wowee woww! a big tail poof! I'm sure Chase is very impressed with your mancatlyness. no matter how big a mancat you are, you'll always be a baby to your mommy. that is how it works!
Aw Billy, you're getting bigger and bigger every day! Concatulations on your first Tail Poof!
Billy, tail poofing is great because it makes the beans laugh! When Sam does it, it is usually because Simon is picking on him. My tail however is poofy all of the time ... hee hee!
Purrs and headbutts,
whoohoo - excellent! over here, mostly the poofing is done by Grr, when she's trying to eat me and Riley. Cocoa tried to eat us yesterday, and he poofed up lots too. I haven't poofed yet. :(
Oh Billy, yoo is learning well how to be a mancat. Don't grow up to fast tho, cuz even if mommy calls yoo her baby, mancats are expected to behave better den kittens. Don't know why, dat is just what mom sez.
Ohhh your first tail poof. But don't grow up too fast.
Aw ... You THINK that you're big, but you're little. Hee, hee ...
Dat's so great dat you had a mancat 'asperience. Dat's great. Dese fings jus happen all wifout yoo efun knowin bout it. Den one day yoo am a mancat.
The Tail Poof is a very important attribute of a grown mancat, Billy. It makes you look bigger to a potential foe, who might just change it's mind about tanglin' with ya. I'm afraid it's not likely to do ya much good with the meezers, tho'.
The first serious tail-poof IS a big deal. I had mine just aboutta week ago, and I was SO thrilled! Good work, Billy!
Yoo gotta keep practicin the tail poof! I dont do it neerly enuf meself.
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