Here is the Meezer Monday Miles Report - The "I'm in big trouble" edishun
The Mom Report: Mom is sick. She has been sick since she gotted home from werk on Friday. This will explain why I am in BIG TROUBLE
The Food Report: As reported on Friday, we ranned out of crunchies. Mommy did go out and get crunchies for us for Friday. She's a good mommy. I also hadded some chick-hen, clams and some pork this weekend.
The Bill Report: As Bill will report tomorrow- he gotted a harness and leash. He is now a woofie.
The Sammy Report: He's in trouble too, but not BIG TROUBLE like me.
The "Why I'm in BIG TROUBLE" report: OK, so mommy is sick. She stayed in bed late late late this morning. (Mom's note: 8:00am is NOT late late late). So, Sammy started bunny kicking her head at the time the beepy thing is 'posed to go off. She yelled at him and he gotted down. Well, I was werried that she would miss werk and get fired and then we'd haf no place to live or no foods or anything so I did what I hadded to do. I spent 2 hours jumping on her stomach. Yep, 2 hours. Sure, she tried to close the bedroom door, but meezers hollering and throwing themselfs at the door was werse. So she opened it back up, hollered at us and then wented back to bed. And I started jumping again. It went like this:
MILES: jump down
Finally I letted her sleep for HOURS (Mom's note: Really, about 20 minutes) before I launched myself from the foot of the bed and overshot my target and landed on her face. claws out. OOPS.
THAT is why I'm in BIG TROUBLE.
The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
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Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...

MOM When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one yea...
Meezers Mom Norton and Ralphie came to take our beautiful little Princess to the Rainbow Bridge at 5:15am this morning. (click on the link f...
Dude, it's called Valium...
Miles, you deserve to be in DEEP DODO for jumping on your mum with claws out.
Sometimes it is best to let sleeping mum's lie! Maybe Sophia is right, you need drungs to calm down.
Mine mombean has a scar on the end of her nose from when she tried to put me down and I wasn't done hugging and purin' & droolin' in her ear. I was in B-I-G trouble for that.
Ya know, if they would just let us have our way all the time these things wouldn't happen.
oops, are you really really sorry miles? cause if you are she will be okay. just be really really really sorry, k???
smiles, auntie bee
Lots of moms are sick right about now! Miles, I think you need to be kind to your mom and take care of her.
I'm not sure what the problem was? I mean I do that all the time.
... ... ... ...
I must say your mommy is a very loving darling person~!
If my beans were your mom, I think you will have big trouble since the 3rd mieow or jump~~~~~
But, HEE HEE HEE....You guys are really great you know? I am very impress~~~ I must learn some from you, you are my heros!!!!
Hope your mom got rest at last!
oooh Miles. That was not good! I'm glad you have your mommy and not me.
Whoops!!! Sounds like sum mornings at owr howse! But, that sounds more like what goes on while Momma tries to take a shower. Hope yur Momma feels better soon. Maybe then you won't byin as much trouble??
~Meeko & Kiara
Oh no, your poor mommy! Looks like she doesn't like all the jumping. Especially on the face.
Well...really, if she'd just gotten up, it wouldn't have happened, right?
Hmmmm..... Kavan and Miles have a lot in common. He used to through himself at the door and holler too, then he figured out how to open it. But the claws in the face thing is still a problem.
I sure hope your mom feels better!
Dude - NEVER jump on the face with the claws...I see why you are in trouble!
Oh dear, mom is sorry that she is laughing.
Trixie stares hard at mom every morning at 6 on the dot until mom gets up. Trixie doesn't know what weekends or even school holidays are though.
Oh, and she walks on her too.
We all hope your mom gets better really soon. Purrs to her!
Claws out is not good, not good at all. Especially on the food lady.
So, Billy is a woofie? Hehehe!
Your poor mom. We hope she feels better soon. Sending healing purrs her way.
We love our harnesses! We think it's cool to go out on a harness and leash. It's the only safe way for us to go outside.
Okay, First, Mommy is really, really sorry that she is laughing so hard!!!
Billy Sweet Feets: I've missed you!!! Love,Auntie Deb
Miles: Oh dear, claws and everything??? Your poor Mommy. Hope she feels better soon!
Oh Miles, it is not yoor fawlt. Yoo just din't want yoor mommy to lose her jobbie and hafta move into a cardboard box unner a bridge least dat is what we say. Mommy sez yoo were a little $*^%)@, a bad word dat she is not apposeta say!
Uh oh Miles...dat is not soo gud ...but yur Mommie knoows dat yu did not means to half yur clawsies out yoo wuz juss tryin to git sum tractshun. We hopes dat yur Mommie is OK. We will send all of our healing purrs to her. Juss act all sorree and efurryfing, she will forgive yoo....
**wavin paws**
Bye Billy
Bye Miles
***blowin kisses***
Bye to my sweet handsome floofy cocoa puffs meezer man...
Purrs and Nosekisses
Your adoring little petite tuxie angel gurl
Oh oh Miles, that sounds kind of bad, but your heart was in the right place! You just wanted to make sure your Mommy wasn't late and that's nice! We're pretty sure she'll forgive you, wsometime...
Oh no Miles, beans do not like the claws out in their face. We are sure she is just mad cause she feels bad and probably when she feels better (which we hope is soon!) everything will be okay! - Captain Jack and Dante
BILL! You are a WOOFIE!! Can we still play if you are a WOOFIE? Can we still be bestest friends if you are a WOOFIE? I is so confused - Fagin
"Oops" is putting it mildly!
Uh oh . . . sounds like you have a lot of making up to do to Mommy.
Oh must be more careful....the face really is a bad place for our claws to get our beans. She Who Came Before Me accidentally clawed Meowm's face one time. She got her in about 5 different places...Meowm has a scar on her eyelid now.
You better be real good so you still get ham.
Uh-oh Miles, you got some making up to do. You better be on your best behaviour. We hope your mum is feeling better.
We laffed about Billy turning into a woofie.
I have no idea why you are in trouble, this all seems reasonable to me. I mean, you're just trying to help!
Daddy is still talking about how I woke him up this morning. I sneezed on him. Snot and evrything! Me and Mommy are laffin and laffin when he's not lookin...
Miles, we had the same kind of situation at our house this morning, too. I'm in a bit of trouble myself. I don't see why they don't understand we're just trying to help. Whatever.
We think Derby means DEEP DOODOO. Whatever it is, you're sure in it. OUCH!!!
Your poor mom. We send sympathy, purrs and wagging tails to her.
We'll come back in a day or two to see how you are, Miles. We might need to send sympathies, purrs and tail wags to you by then.
You had the wight intensions, it just went a bit wong somehow.
Oopsie, that might have been a little mistake. Sometimes when I am up on the bed canopy and getting ready to jump down my Mommie screams and covers her face. I am not sure why.
k - what yur mom duzzn't unnerstand is that we've GOT to use the claws when we jump on 'em cuz otherwise we might fall off an get hurt. like yesterday when I wuz jumping down from the top of the cabinet and I thought the Lady's head looked like a good landing place, but ya know what? her head's not as big as I really need fur landing! I had to use my claws just fur my own safety, and I still didn't fit very well. one of my back paws had to try for a claw-hold in her neck. luckily it worked and I'm fine and plus the big scratchy mark on her neck is high enough so it doesn't rub on the collar of her shirt.
uh oh. i think you'd better lay low for a while. make sure every time your mommy sees you, you have an "i love you mommy" face on. it works for Bendrix
Yup! And you both deserve it, too. When mom is sick, Lucky and I sleep by her side, gently warming her and letting her know that we are there to love her and comfort her and get her better fast. We think you need to try it It works.
Oh dear. Ouch. That would explain why you are in big trouble. I hope your mum is feeling better. I do not jump on my humans faces with claws out, just their laps. Try sitting on her pillow licking her hair. That is my favourite thing to do when humans are ill in bed.
Miles, your poor Mommy. You aren't supposed to jump on your mommy when she isn't feeling well. We hope your mommy is feeling better soon.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Oh your mommie must look really good now... not.
You boys need to behave!!!
Miles, Miles,'s a good thing your Mommy loves you so much!!!
Our Mom would have thrown us out on the back porch and closed the door on us! (hehehehehe)
Your FL furiends,
Miles,Miles,Miles!!!!!! Where should I send the wreath? heeheehee
Purrs Mickey
Soooooo FUNNY! (sorry)
Owch! Bless yur liddle heart.
Luf, Us
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