Is the 'lekshun ofur yet?

What else did we do this weekend? Let's see, I sleeped next to mommy on the couch and kicked her a lot. OH, we watched her fix the recliner part of the couch that broked last week. She's PATHETIC with tools. I am astounded that she even has fingers left. or eyes. Sheesh. She's a maniac.
We also watched her get up many times in the middle of the night and walk into the walls. That's always fun.
Just a normal weekend at Casa de Meezer
i can't fix anything either and stopped trying...
smiles, auntie bee
Hmmm...there's obviously something in the walls calling to those in the house with the fewest brain cells... ;)
(ok, that was mean. I'm sorry.)
I sure wish the election was over too. I voted 2 weeks ago for petes sake, they should stop calling and emailing me (how on earth did they get my email addy??? Big Brother is commin! Not good when the future president has your email addy.)
We want the election to be over with as well. We have to vote on Tuesday. It was a very busy weekend for mom.
all those things sounds like the symptoms to too many camPAIN-comercials. I think I would rather run into a wall than hear a single one
haha that sounds like a weekend with lots and lots of lafs!
I jump at wallls all the times, but Momma has now found my secret.. see sometimes these little tiny natty flying things comez into the house and I tries to catch them.
I is a little worried about your Momma keeping on getting up walking into walls?? Is this normal??
I'm waiting for this election to be over. We swear sometimes we are going to kill the male if he doesn't turn off MSNBC for awhile.
Agreed, just two more days and no more robo calls! The RNC cabal calls at least once a day, Saturday it was three. Mum does not listen to them, me either.
Sorry your mum is walking into walls, I hope she isn't getting hurt.
Hey, you left out Dr. Tweety's party. We saw you there. You were discussing who would get to take home the leftover ham.
Billy must have heard some introoders in the wall. Maybe they were bringing the leftover ham from Dr. Tweety's party!
We can't wait for Wednesday!
Your Mom walks into the walls in the middle of the night, OUCH!
We can't wait for the election to be over, either, but Mom can't vote early.
We wish it were Wednesday's gonna be bad enuff on Toosday when the only fing on da black box is 'lectshun stuff...poopey.
*wavin paws*
Bye Billy
Bye Miles
Boo,Ping,Jinx and Gracie
*blowin kisses*
Bye to my sweet handsome floofy cocoa puffs meezerman
Purrs and nosekisses
Your adoring tiny tuxie princess
ouch! yer poor mommy!! the most ours does inna night is whack her shins on cocoa an' step on mislaid cat toys that cocoa hasn't eaten yet.
yes, we is MORE than ready for the politica hoohah to be ofur. we has learned a few more bad words inna last week, since those *#)@*## )$*@((#@$ has taken to the phone lines!
purring for a politician-less day,
ed, nitro, an' xingxing
Cute photo, Miles!
Merlin has been trying to jump on the ceiling and he's been meowing at the invisible aliens again.
Oh no, we may know why Billy was jumping at hte walls - Fagin taught him. Fagin jumps at walls ALL THE TIME!! Sorry bout that - Captain Jack and Dante
Billy can see year he will be leading a The only pooting ghost tour in Salem during Halloween!
we can't wait until nov 5
we think
Doe your mom still have a little zombie left in her after the halloween weekend? Zombies walk into walls. Was she moaning too. That's another sign.
Hammick Troll! We like that one!
We can't wait until tomorrow is over too! Then we can all take some nice long naps.
Honestly you should be nicer to your Mom, she's not bought a dog to live with you or anything really nasty...
Then again good entertainment is good entertainment! ;)
So Billy and Mom were running into walls? Did you and Sammy slip something funny into their food?
Why does your Mom walk into walls in the middle of the night?
Billy, you might want to try to sleep on TOP of your Ham-mick. Well, that's what we do anyway. And why do you jump at walls? We have these questions...
Luf, Us
Sounds like fun to us too!
We might have to take a page out of Billy's book. That would totally freak out Mama. hee hee
sometimes you just have to run up walls!
Actually, that sounds pretty exciting. Daddy was sick and mommy was being her usual pregnant self...which meant the only things that happened were napping and laying around. Except when we started complaining at feeding time.
Hope you have a great week!
~Donny, Marie, Casey
billllllllllllllllllllllly come over an playyyyyyyyyy wif meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
iz sammy still yowlin in the basement?
Sammy, Miles and Billy, my Momma doesn't remember exactly how she extracted me with Photoshop Elements (that sounds kinda bad, doesn't it) but she will play with the program more and if she figures out how she did so easily she will let your Mom know! She guesses it was beginners luck ... she has only had the program for about a week!
Purrs and headbutts,
Even a normal day at casa de meezer is purrty exciting....
It sounds like your normal weekend was pretty busy. Mom says she hopes the lines aren't too long tomorrow when she goes to vote.
We hope Billy is done jumping at the walls.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
I don't fink it's ofur yet, but Mommy and Grandma and Uncle Milty has voteded so it's ofur for us. Mommy sez I should stay at yore house til Morning cuz Grandma's gonna be jumpin roung listenin to 'lection noos tonite. I like dat idear. We can camp out in tha tent if yore MOmmy is jumpin round too.
Purrrrrrrrs n nosekissies, yore girlfriendcat Sanjee
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