Me is not ham-mick troll. BUT, fun game, ME hides unner the ham-mick in the upstairs hallway and when mom lady person walks by, ME whaps her feets hard. FUN!!!
The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
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Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...

MOM When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one yea...
Meezers Mom Norton and Ralphie came to take our beautiful little Princess to the Rainbow Bridge at 5:15am this morning. (click on the link f...
Awwww, poor Billy! I will purr very hard that you feel better and don't have to fo to the VET!
Billy, I hope you get better really soon so you don't have to go to the VET.
Pee ess - don't whap your mom's feet too hard or don't trip her. She takes good care of you.
Billy we will all purr furry hard dat yoo feels better and no has to go to vet...
*wavin paws*
Bye Billy -- feel better
Bye Miles
Boo,Ping,Jinx and Gracie
*blowin kisses*
Bye to my sweet handsome floofy cocoa puffs meezerman
purrs and nosekisses
Your adoring tiny tuxie princess
Billy, we hope you feel better soon! Have fun playing your hammick game!
We'll purrr hard for you so you feel better soon and can do feet whapping with more gusto. Vet's are no fun at all.
Bless your heart Billy. We hope you don't have an infection coming on. We have had one going around this house for awhile. We'll send you good purrs.
Don't hit your mom too hard.
Luf, Us
Oh no Billy, we are purring for you. We hope you get better so you don't have to go to the vet. Oh and stop by our blog sometime and pick up the award we have given you.
~The Creek Cats~
oh, li'l sweetfeets--we hopes you gets betterer wifout the vettie. but if you hasta go, then be a good boy so you don't worry mom, an' the vettie can figger out the bestest way to help you!
be careful you don't trip yer mom--she might fall on you!
ed, nitro, & xingxing
Billy, we hope your wheezing gets better so you don't haf to go to the V E T, but if you do haf to go, don't worry cuz he'll make you feel all better.
Your hide unner the ham-mick game sounds like fun. I'll haf to try that. Eric won,t be able to though cuz he probly won't fit unner the ham-mick.
you are so smart billy to make up your own games! i hope you feel better honey...
smiles, auntie bee
You probably caught it from the Woman. She says it's nasty so I hope you get to feeling better...
Aw, Billy, did yoo knock yoor breether loose jumping into da walls? We'll purr dat it goes back into place so yoo don't hafta go to da vet. Don't hit mom to hard or she might fall on top of yoo!
Whap and run sounds like fun Billy :)
I hope you get better and don't have to go to the Vet!!! :o
I'll send you some purrs!!!!
Purrs Mickey
Oh no Billy! ME sorry that YOU feels so bad. ME will come and take care of YOU, like YOU took care of ME when ME was sick and had my hoo-haa-ectomy. ME bring YOU some of the cheeseburger that ME stole last night - it is good and will make YOU feel better!! - Fagin
Oh, Billy, being sick is No Fun! I hope you will feel all better before Wednesday so you will not have to go to the vet.
Hey Billy--we certainly hope you get better without the v-e-t. Do you have asthma like I do? I hope not, I have to take a pill twice a week for it.....but at least I don't have asthma attacks. We will purr for the best!
Good job on whapping the Mom lady persons feet.
Ham-Mick Troll sounds like Behind-The-Chair Troll game that I like to play -Scout
We hope your wheezing gets better quick Billy. It's no fun being sick.
Poor Billy! I know you've got it bad so I'm going to purr extra extra hard.
Please feel better soon, Billy!! Sending some healing hugs and kisses.
Love Clover xo
Billy, I hope you feel better soon!
PS - That sounds like a very fun game. hee hee
Aw Billy, we will all pur FURRY hard fur yoo.
Dear Billy, please get better soon. We don't want you to have to go to the vet.
Did you catch a cold Billy. Get better soonest.
Awww Billy I hopez you does not have to go to the vets!! Please get better quickly!!
You need your strength for foot whapping.. that sounds fun!!
Feel better, Billy! The v-e-t is not fun.
Well being praying for you Billy. We know that you're going to get all better.
We're purring hard, Billy. Get well!
I'm purring for you Billy SweetsFeet.
Skittles, The Huntress
Hello William,
I believe this is my first comment on some other cat's blog. I'm new to this.
I do hope that you will get the help you need at the Vet.
I'm not sure what "purraying" is, but I would do it for you if I did.
Truly Yours,
Sam, The Marmalade Cat
p.s. you are a very handsome orange tabby, like me.
Ohhh, Billy, get better and don't let that stupid old cold get you down!
Oh no! Billy, are you OK?
I hope you get better, coughing is no fun, you look just like my cat potsie, he is at the bridge now, love this photo, please come by sometime.
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