We are declaring another {{HUGS}} day today. Please take the time to HUG someone today. You'd be amazed at how you will feel.
Hugs Glitter Pictures
The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...
(((((((((hugs))))))))), Sammy, Miles and Billy Sweetfeets and fambly! We don't know what's been happenin in the CB cuz Mom's been bad about helpin us blog and vizzit the last few days, but our purrs are with all of our furriends, and we love you!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
(((hugs))) to you, too. It's always rough when there is a disagreement! Hopefully, everything will smooth over and it will be okay again.
Hugs from us too.
We're on a borrowed computer that is slower than molasses in winter, so we'll just leave all our hugs here for any kitty or human to pick up. :)
I want to {{{hug}}} everyone, too! We feel bad about all the hurt feelings.
{{{HUGS}}}} I don't know what the dust up is, but then I haven't had time to check anything out today yet.
We read some of what happened and feel bad that everyone is upset on both sides of the situation. We send you (((hugs))).
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Ooooh that is an awesome idea. I think hugs is a very good idea! SENDING OUT HUGS!!
Hugs to you
"Bad feelings" in the CB? Gosh, we are totally outta touch with what's goin' on. An' confused, too.
We'd love to have lots of hugs, though ... An' we're sending lots of {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} right back to you, too!
DMM and the Feline Americans
(((((((HUGS, HUGS and more HUGS from our house to ALL))))))))))))!!!! We love your hug graphic, too!! Thanks, Sammy, Miles and Billy Sweet Feets!!!
Your FL furiends,
{{{HUGS}}} to all of you and everyone else.
Great suggestion! We're still sending our purrs and purrayers to help Miles and Billy get better too,
Gypsy & Tasha
Hugs are always good!
Abby & Stygia
((((((hugs to alla you friends))))))
we loves you!
What a great idea, and very well said. I have been very upset and sad about the whole situation. Many {{hugs}} to you!
What Daisy said! (((HUGS)))
i don't know any of it but i'll hug sarge if it will help.
smiles, auntie bee
We have been reading what has been going on and have our own thoughts on it, but have kept out of it because we know how easy it is for things to blow up. It wouldn't be natural to never have an argument or bad feelings over something. That's life, things happen. Hopefully everything will soon blow over.
Anyway, thanks for the hugs and here's a barrel load back to all of you.
Big, squishy hugs frum alla us to alla yous. Come 'er, Billy, I gotta squash you.
O, Billy...
:: blush ::
... Faith Boomerang
an huge hugs to effurryone!!!
The PM was just said she needs a big DRINK but I think a hugs is a much better idea!!!
We hope things settle down all over the CB!
Purrs and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} right back at ya!
Goldie, Shade and Banshee
What a great idea ((((hugs))) all around...
YOu were one of our favorite blogs to visit. Thanks for joining in all our fun this year. We will miss you something fierce. We love you. thanks for the kind words and email. You've meant a lot to us.
I am clueless too but I'm in agreement hugs are always a good thing.
Mog, Meowza and Cece
Hugs to you! Thanks!! :)
Gemini sends lots of big floofy hugs to everyone. Chey says for today she'll make an exception. (she is not a huggy cat).
We love the thought of a Hug Day!
We wanted to thank you for stopping by our blog and being so kind and supportive when our beloved Sen-Chan went to the Bridge. Every comment helped us so much!
Tom, Tama-Chan and #1
Yep, hugs'll go a long way towards makin' evercat feel better. I'm huggin' all of ya!
We like that! We love hugs and cuddles.
Roxy & Lucky
Oh goody!!! ((((Hugggggggs!!!)))))) We likes sqwishin' up & huggin wits our palz! Tanks!!!
China Cat & I just came online this weekend and have no idea what happened but we are very happy sending big (((((((((hugs))))))))) to everyone!
Purrrrrrrrrrs, Willow
(((HUGS))) to your family from Uncle Mo and the purries of Purrchance To Dream
Great idea! (((Hugs))) all around to all!
Excellent idea! {{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}} to you all!
{{{hugs}}} We luvs you guys!!!
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