Guess what? we has jobs now!!! We is working with our furriend Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle. Eduardo, if you don't know him, is Roxy's speshul furriend and we meeted him on his bloggie a couple of months ago.

So, what will we be doing with Eduardo? Well, whatever we is good at. Today it's sleeping. Tomorrow, knowing Billy, it will be dancing. Wednesday it will be making rules and whapping. We challenge you all to work with Eduardo The Snuggle Puggle. The rules are here!
Hmm, what is da pay scale fur sleeping and eating, we wonder. Mom sez dat we should start earning our keep.
Wow, working for a doggie? We have to think about it.
I think you'll be the best employees ever.
I think you'll fit right in with Eduardo's workforce. I was hoping that your Daddy had gotten a job.
I think those jobs sound great!
Do you get paid?? If you get paid, then we'll get jobs too!
Wow, jobs! We know all of you will be wonderful workers, and hope you get treats as pay! We also are sending many, many belated (((((hugs))))) to you, Sammy, Miles, Billy and Meezer Mom Mary!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam, Simon and Momma Jan
Sounds like lots of fun, we will check this out!
Wow, jobs! Do yoo get paid lotsa ham???
Purrrrrrrs n nosekissies,
yore girlfriendcat Sanjee
We don't know about that...the dog in our house works for us cats! And if our Grete dog found out we were working for a pug...well, the fur may fly around here.
Oh wow! We all has new jobbies now!! Mommy says to tell you that Daddy works for Richard Blais. Daddy always really liked Chef Blais so he was thrilled to get a job working for him.
BILLY!! ME coming ofur for US to PLAYS!! YAY!! PLAYPLAYPLAY!!! WOOHOO!!! - Fagin
man if i could get someone to pay me to take naps and eat cake, that would be totally tits!!!
smiles, auntie bee
Oh boy! That sounds like fun. As long as I can make my own hours...ha ha ha
I heard you are all taking a break. I hope it isn't a long one and you'll be back refreshed and ready to party.
We'll have a big annoucement on the 18th and you won't want to miss it.
Does all this work make green papers to spend places? If not I think I shall just get back to my beauty sleep! ;)
oh boy we likes to sleep and play and all kinds of fun stuffs. Have a pawsome Monday
Working with a doggie isn't really my thing...but Eduardo is so cute, I wouldn't mind trying....
That sounds like the purrfect jpb. COngrats... and you pooses must be psychic! We wanted the Memories song to be playing in the background of our Best of the Bite & Run series!
Those sound like excellent jobs. Keep up the good work.
Now those are some great jobs - do they have them for 'beins?
Those are great jobs!
Dose r grate jobbies!
*woo hoo*
*wavin paws*
Bye Billy
Bye Miles
Boo,Ping,Jinx and Gracie
*blowin kisses*
Bye to my sweet handsome floofy cocoa puffs meezerman
Purrs and nosekisses
your adoring tiny tuxie princess
Pee Sss
I wood nefur rebuke yoo Sammy...*sigh*...nefur nefur nefur!
We love Eduardo and we think those are good jobs!! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
OK,so I know you are sleeping today, but I wanted to drop by to say...
THANKS FOR THE HUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry, I don't want a job. I prefer to be a kept ManCat, thank you.
I like the idea of the job being anything you want to do!
Great post Meezers!(I loves that name!) Keep up the great work!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
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