Dear so called MOM:
MY CRUNCHY BOWL IS EMPTY. get your hefty hiney off the couch and fill it. I'm so tired of having to remind you on a nighty basis. I don't ask for alot. I'm not always there slapping your hand while you eat to try and steal your foods. You can keep your foods - I don't like your foods. I like my crunchies. I don't even really like stinky goodness that much. I LIKE MY CRUNCHIES. Why does I have to stare into a empty bowl efurry night?? It's furry stressful!!! When I get stressed I haf to whap stuff. Which is why you ended up wif a wet lap last night. Stop falling asleep on the couch, get up, open the cabinet and GET ME MY FOODS.
Next week we will talk about you trying to drown me.
The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
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Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...
MOM When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one yea...
Meezers Mom Norton and Ralphie came to take our beautiful little Princess to the Rainbow Bridge at 5:15am this morning. (click on the link f...
oh my, no crunchies???
smiles, auntie bee
We are sorry you aren't getting your crunchies filled on demand. That isn't good. But we really want to know about your mom trying to drown you. We don't think we can wait until next week.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Demand your crunchies!!
Sammy, you are so funny. My mom has had the "blues" the past few days and she really laughed out loud when we read your post. Thank you!
Your mom tried to drown you? Does it have anything to do with her getting a wet lap after you whapped something in order to get some crunchies?
That was a terrific rant! We think your mom will surely listen to your arguments for a full bowl of crunchies and will mend her ways...but you might have to wait until she's feeling better.
She lets your dish get empty? I am so sorry to hear that Sammy.
Oh, no, Sammy, an empty crunchy bowl is not good at all. I hope you convinced your Mom to get up and fill it for you. I am really curious about your Mom trying to drown you. Did it take place in the human litter box room?
I'm curious too! If your Mom is asleep on the couch (a state I wake up to find myself in quite often - it's a bean thing!) and your crunchies bowl is empty, I suggest you climb up beside her and meeze very loudly in her ear. That should do the trick, hehe! :) xxx
Those humans are so useless!
Good gravy Sammy, what are we going to do about this?
Empty dishes are never good. I hope that your gentle reminder will help eliminate that problem!
We hope your bowl got filled to the brim after that rant!
Mommy probably shouldn't be laughing QUITE so hard....after did whap your Mommy!!!
Did you get your crunchies??? Maybe you should ask very sweetly??
OH WAIT A MINUTE.....DROWN YOU??? That just registered in Mommy's slow brain! Story please!
I like this vicious side of you, Miles. Your mom would be silly not to listen to you. Clearly, you've got the upper-hand.
An empty bowl???? Oh horrors!!!!!
I am afraid to learn about almost drowning :o Yikes!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey
You just tell her! We don't have that problem 'cause when our bowl is nearly empty, Cliff shouts very loudly at the humans until they fill it. It always works - maybe you should try it. But the drowning bit sounds really scary.
Cliff and Olivia
Yoo tell her Sammy! Yoo don't wanna hafta catch mousies like Gree does!
Miles, do yoo need help purrin on yore Mommy today? I can come ofur. Purrrrrrrrs n nosekissies, yore girlfriendcat Sanjee
There is nothing worse than an empty bowl! How rude! Can't she see you're starving????
Oh noes, what is going on there?
Sammy, I know just how you feel. Ever since the dread D word our bowl seems to be empty most of the time.If our crunchies are empty at night, I walk on the Beans heads until they do something about it. Now mum only gives us half our crunchies in the morning and the rest when she goes to bed.
Commence wif da whapping! No food crunchies means more whappage to come!
Oh my goodness!! NO CRUNCHIES!!! The horror of it all!! DROWN YOU!!! Please more info!!
Your FL furiends,
Maverick:: I am comming to PLAYPLAYPLAY! DANCEDANCEDANCE! and RUNRUNRUN with you Billy!! Thanks for the invite. I'll be right over!!
Crunchies! Crunchies! Crunchies!
Thanks for stopping by and checking up on me. I am really good at looking pathetic, so I am sure to get lotsa foods!
No crunchies and trying to DROWN you? What's going on over there?
This does not sound good.
Ms. P and Cinza
Whutz this about being drowndid? I kant wate to heer about dat. In the meentime demand bedder treetmint. Empty bowls are toe tully unacceptibull.
Our mom has decided that we eat less having a full bowl on the floor all the time instead of just filling it with a little bit three times a day. We feel insecure when we don't have the crunchies in front of us so we would panic and gobble down every bite when she would fill the bowl.
Dude, she doesn't feed yoo AND she tried to drown yoo? What is going on der!
I feel you pain! Well, our dishes usually aren't empty....but I want fed when I want fed...not when Meowm is ready to feed me! Have you put the bitey on your Mom yet?
Stinkies are o.k. sometimes, but I like the crunchies better, too.
No crunchies? That is a fate worse than death. Yup, we gots to have a talk with your mom. A longggggg talk.
I will share my cruchies wif yoo...I needs sum halp learnin how to blog...Momma is not keepin up wif it and I can't make her udderstand how impawtant it is...HALP!!!
Purrs and nosekisses
your adorin tiny tuxie princess who is in exile...
Her behavior is simply unacceptable! She deserves the whaps and you do not deserve being drowned.
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