3 years ago today, our sweet Grampa Norton ran off to the Bridge to be with his brother Ralphie (the one who came before). Norton is on the right in the pikshur above, taken about a day after the mom and the dad lady person finded him and Trixie on the side of the road in New Haven, CT. He and Trixie lived wif them for 18 years. We love our grampa Norton very much. He sent Billy to us so that we would always haf some gingersnap in our lives.
Grampa Norton, we will always love you and miss you and someday we will see you again at the Bridge.
You must miss him so much! He was lucky that your mom and dad found him and that's why he sent Billy to you all. I'm purring for you today.
Thinking of you guys today!
Three years? It does not seem possible. I remember G.Norton's passing.
It's good that they finded Billy for you and sent him to live with you.
Is it three years already? We remember Grampa Norton and also Trixie at the Rainbow Gingers page. He was a great character.
PS There is extra gingerness at my blog today...not just me!
We never forget the sweet memories of how they touched our hearts...Hugs
My favorite boycat, Bo, passed away 4 years ago this coming June and I still miss his presence dearly. But I have Brighton, who is so like Bo that it's like you and having some "gingersnap" in your house still :-)
You can see Brighton and Bo on my blog post here:
That's so sweet that you will always have gingersnap in your lives.
I love you guys, and hope you all had a wonderful weekend.
I didn't know that your Grampa died on my Birthday... I'm 6 today, so that means when I had my very firstest Birthday with My Mummy it was the last day Grampa Norton had with your Mom lady person...
Such little sweetie pie angels! They are looking down on you. We visited the Rainbow Bridge page and that made our eyes leak. We always remember those who came before and made such a difference in our lives. Purrrs...
We finks Grandpa Norton is smiling big and doing a huge tail swish up at da Bridge with Trixie and Ralphie all watchin ofur efurryone....our deep purrs for sadness of missing Grandpa Norton and his brother and sisfur...
purrs and kitty kisses
your adoring tiny tuxie princess
It is good and proper to remember those who came and went before.
Wow...it doesn't seem like 3 years... It's way cool that he sent Billy. All that PLAYPLAYPLAY keeps ya on your toes ;)
We read the beautiful tributes to Norton and Trixie through tears. What treasures they were.
We remember because Norton left in the time of year so many of our kids have left. It's a lovely tribute. Purrs.
It's natural that you miss Grampa Norton so much. It sounds like he lived a full life full of love with your family.It was sweet that he sent Billy to you all.
Time goes on but you never forget...we're sure Grampa Norton is smiling down on all of you from the bridge...
Grampa Norton is always with us as long as we think of hims. He will always feel the love.
Purrs to hims!!
We are sorry that today is a sad day for you. Your Grandpa Norton sounds like he was very special to you all.
I'm sure you miss Grandpa Norton and I'm so glad he sent Billy to you.
Maybe Grampa Norton is with our Winton at the Rainbow Bridge!!
-Kodak, 3 perf and Blossom
Awww, that is a sweet photo to remember him by.
Oh my goodness! That is a very cute picture of Grandpa Norton and his brother. It's a good thing we have our memories.
It's hard to believe that it's three years already. I remember when Grampa Norton went to the Bridge. I am sure that he remembers and misses you, too, but you will see him again some day.
What an adorable picture! We are sure that your Granmpa Norton is at the Bridge, playing and waiting! Mommy says that he sent Billy to you! Billy looks just like him!
Mommy just visited Norton and Trixie's page. She read through her tears the beautiful tribute.
Just wanted to send some hugs!
Awwwwwww that's furry sweet. *hugs lots*
Now I gotta make Mommy help me blog more cuz I hates missin stuffs like dis. I wish I coulda hugged yoo dat day. *sigh*
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