Here is the Miles report for today:
The Foods Report - this past week I hadded some chick-hen and some pork ribs and a little bit of eggs. not bad but not a great week.
The health report - well fellow kitties, my tiltiness has come back. I'm not really dizzy but my head is all tilty again and it made my mommy cry last night.
The Alien Report by our resident whacko Sammy: well, thank you Fatso. The aliens seemed to have a 4am meeting on Sunday morning - lots of noise making. It must haf been a call home to the mothership or something. Back to you Miles.
uh, you are just so whacked Sammy.
The How Much Trouble did Billy Get Into This Week Report - well, he was akshually a better boy than last week. He wasn't great but on a scale of 1 to 10, his badness was down to about a 7.
Now, a 'portant announcement for my fellow Meezers (and non-meezer siblings of meezers, and maybe some significant others too)
This Wednesday (the 10th) is Meezer Colors Day. Please please participate with some great pikshurs of you wearing or laying on some colors that make your meezer furs POP!! Last year we hadded a great number of you participating, and we hope to haf efen more this year!!! There will be a speshul post up on Simply Siamese as well!!!
The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
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Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...

MOM When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one yea...
Meezers Mom Norton and Ralphie came to take our beautiful little Princess to the Rainbow Bridge at 5:15am this morning. (click on the link f...
We're sorry your tiltiness returned, Miles.
We enjoy Sammy's alien reports. Is he really whacko? Time will tell.
Good for Billy. He must have been super good this week if he was a 7.
What a full post!
Sorry the aliens khaused the tiltiness to return...
A '7' sounds like a pretty good behaviour number!
We all hope your tilt goes away soon. We didn't know about it before. Does your vet know why you have a tilt?
We see that a few furrends are putting their followers list down at the bottom of the page and that all the followers pix show up. We like how that looks! How do you do that?
Poor Miles! I hope the tiltyness goes away again soon! Maybe you can milk it for some extra food this week!!!
Miles, we were so sad to hear about your tilty head again. I hope it goes back away again.
Umm... we wanted to warn you to remove the coffee from your Mom before she reads Chey's latest post--or at least don't be in front of her if you don't want coffee on you. We think she will like the photo we have up...
Sorry you're tilty!
We're sorry to hear the tilt is back, least your not all dizzy...glad to hear Billy wasn't too bad this weekend...
Oh no, sorry to hear about your tiltiness. :(
Ah no, not the return of the tilt :/
Have you had your potassium checked? That just popped into my head...
Great report!
We're sorry about your tiltiness. It must make you really annoyed that it came back.
We can't wait to see all the great colors on Meezer Colors Day!
I'm sorry to hear you are tilty, Miles. That does not sound fun.
Hope you feel better soon.
Bummer about the tiltiness - we hope your VET can fix it so your Mommy doesn't have to cry any more.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Sorry to hear you're all tilty again, Miles. Oh! Do you suppose that maybe it's Sammy's aliens?
stop tilting and making your mom sad! that's not nice!
Make sure you remind mom not to worry too much- is common in meezers! then she'll feel much better.
O! o!
we almost forgotted.
Give her hugs for all of us as well ok? let her know we luf her and are here if she needs us!
the gang!
Oh darn! So sorry to hear about that tiltness coming back. What a bummer! We sure hope it goes away very quickly!!
Oh no! We are sorry to hear you are tilty again Miles. We wuz wondering too if it wuz the aliens. Maybe Sammy can sort them out once and for all. Good going Billy, only a #7!
Sorry to hear your tilties have returned and it made your mommy cry :(
Miles, we are so sorry that your tilties have returned!
Sammy....don't go anywhere on the Mothership!
Billy: good job on being good!!!
Kisses from Auntie Deb!!!
oh, miles, we's sorry you's tilty again. does you has a kitty version of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo? that made our mom tilty an' sick fur 2 days; she horked up her toenails twice!
sammy, you keep watchin' those aliens . . . we know they're up to no good!
billy--good job on that "7"--we hears that smaller numbers is better, like on our mom's blood's pressures! keep it up!
I'm coming in on this late, but could there be some vestibular disease going on in his ears?
Dude! We're so sorry about the tilty-ness. That sux. :( We are purring and purraying for you.
It kinda seems like you guys had a pretty quiet weekend. And, um, Billy? Only a 7? We gotta talk, dude.
Overall an ok weekend, except for your tilty head Miles.
Stoopid aliens always seem to pick 4am for their conferences!
Oh Miles, I am sorry your headtilt came back! My Mommie knows how your mom must feel. Every time Harley gets more blisters on his mouth, she gets very sad and upset.
Eggs is yummy. Dad shared hims eggs but not enuf so I tried to get sum more frum on the hot box. Him didn't like dat.
I was NOT doin to Nina what you fink I was doin! I wanted to pounce her an play horsie, but she didn't wanna so ALL I DID was lick her. Dis time. Know what? When she growls, she means it!
PS Sorry you only got a 7 dis week Billy. If you try harder, I's sure you can bring dat up to a 9 or 20.
PS steppin in my fountain was on purrpose. An no, it wasn't funny like steppin in yer Mom's potato salad. Anyfing with salad in da name is like poison.
Miles- we are so sorry the tiltiness has returned. We wish the evil v-e-t place could figure out why this happens to you. We are glad that you aren't dizzy...and you got good foods this weekend! We will be purring for you.
Sammy-why haven't you whapped the aliens back to space?
Billy-at least you didn't get into as much trouble as you have been.
Sorry about dat tilt. I hope it goes away for you.
Oh Miles, I am so sorry you are tilting again. Do not make your mom cry. Mom worries about me too so I know how she feels. I will purr for you
Dear Miles, we are so sorry your head is all tilty. Mom says she can understand why your mom cries. As for Sam, doesn't he whap you for calling him fatso and whacko?
i has an uncle meezer who lives in bulgaria and a cousin meezer too. i will try to send the pikshurs!
(posting on mommas account)
I'm so sorry the tiltiness has come back Miles.
Oh man Miles, we thawt yoo were done wif da tilts...we sure hope dey go away. Is Billy sick? Why only a 7? Oh, our mom sez dat a lower number is good but we is not so sure about dat. Sammy, da aliens here haf been contacting der mother ship later at night, like about 9 pm.
Eggs sounds pretty good. We likes them cokked and mashed, An a bit o bacon doesn't hurt...
Miles, I'm sorry you're tilty again--I hope that gets better! It's never fun when our moms get all worried and cry about us.
You had some great food!
Thank you fur your blogging tip, and fur saying "hi."
Miles - We're so sorry that the tilt has returned. I hope it goes away fast!
Miles, we are so sorry too that the tiltiness has returned, our Momma got a little teary eyed to hear that and to hear that your Mom cried. We will be purring and purraying that it goes away as quickly as it came back, and that it stays away for good.
Hugs, purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Pee Ess ... give your Mom a hug from our Mom please!
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