WE GOTTED LITTER! AND stinky goodness! But now we is out of crunchies. ::SIGH:: we need a new the mom.
The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
Friday, October 16, 2009
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Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...

MOM When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one yea...
Meezers Mom Norton and Ralphie came to take our beautiful little Princess to the Rainbow Bridge at 5:15am this morning. (click on the link f...
Hey...two out of three ain't bad!
Oh Noes. We're running out of crunchies too, but mum bean is stuck it at the moment waiting for the man to fix the heating.
YAY! Litter and stinky goodness is very very impawtents's aren't purrfect, but we all think you should probably keep her.
Hmm..well...y'know, your The Mom has been sick.. so maybe you should give her more time to get it right?
just eat more stinky goodness!
smiles, auntie bee
Ours is about to get traded in, too. :sigh:
Try to have a happy weekend, ok?
oh, we hopes yer weekend improves! maybe there will be hammmmm in apology for her slothfulness through the week??
Oh noes! Yall can come to our howse. We has lotsa crunchies. Come on ofur n snuggle, Miles!
purrrrrrrrrrs n nosekissies,
yore girlfriendcat Sanjee
Yay for litter and stinky goodness!!
What was she thinking
Don't they sell the litter at the same place as the kitty food ?
Go scratch her or something ...
You need to keep the momma you got but train her betters.
Oh dear! That's horrible!!!
Woo khats really need to skhreen your the moms better!
We think 2 owta 3 is good ~ we're always running owt of stuff. And Alfie like a pristine poop tray so he hates it when we're low on grit ~ so then dad hasta dash out and get supplies from the local pet shop (which is more expensive than the owta town BIG pet store)and then he moans about the cost! :sheesh:
Milo xx
Make sur da yur Mom stops and gits yur crunchies!!! Call her 86 squillion times on her cell phone to remind her!
purrs and nosekisses
to my sweet handsome cocoa puff meezerman (who needs his crunchies)
yur adorin tiny tuxie princess
Well at least you have the all important stinky goodness!!!!! Beans just can't help it sometimes....they just don't have memories like we do.
You need to start a shopping list and slip it in her just need to help Mom out by reminding her.
We never have crunchies. Mom only lets us have them on special occasions. We hope your the mom remembers to bring those home today.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
Ours really has trouble getting it all together some days too!
We don't think you mean it. We think if you were offered a trade, you'd keep your The Mom. It could be worse, she could forget where you live. And then who would feed you?
(Yes, we know we said she could forget where YOU live, but she lives there too, so you'd be in BIG trouble.)
Well, at least The Mom gots ya the Stinky Goodness and Litter (which do seem ta go tagether). Mebbe ya will see dry crunchies tamorrow!
I am sending a get well soon vibe over to your "the mom."
Doesn't your mum make a shopping list? Mum does, she runs around checking if she needs stuff, or I need stuff. That way she don't forgets and I think she would forget if she didn't have a list.
Oh geeee she bloo it!
our mom also is such a flake.
Always forgetting our important stuff.
How cruel.
I hope she makes reparations this week-end!!
Do what Donald Trump does and say to your mom, "your fired". No crunchies!!
At least you got Stinky Goodness and litter. You won't starve. Maybe the crunchies will show up later today or tomorrow.
Stinky goodness is better than crunchies any day. My Mom says your Mom is doing a very good job taking care of you.
Well at least ya got something.Yeah we're okay just relaxing...Hugs
Well, ours finally got off her big butt and went and gots litter fur us. Now we haf all our supplies fur another couple weeks. Dis is odd cuz usually our mom is lazy and lets us run out of stuff.
Our mom saw da last comment and told us dat we hafta tell the truth...the truth is dat she only lets da litter run out and she goes da same day and gets more. She does dat acuz we don't haf a lot of room to store litter.
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