Part One is HERE
Part Two is HERE
'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a meezer was stirring, uh, not even the nip mouse ;
The stockings were hung by the TV with care,
In hopes that St. Nicholas (without the fuzzypants) soon would be there;
The Meezers and Billy were snug on their beds
while visions of pawbreakers danced in their heads
The meezers were hiding and waiting to hear
the loud snoring coming from the mommy so dear
When out on the hall there arose such a clatter,
She sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
The past, it flew into her brain like a flash,
causing the mom to mutter, oh holy Bast.
Up out of bed she rose like a beast,
then stepped on poor Nicholas with her big scary feets
There in the hall, were the Meezers three,
and little Billy SweetFeets, giggling with glee,
She knew in a moment there must be a trick.
she flicked on the light and took a look, quick,
She hooted and hollerd and called them by name;
"Now, squishy! Now poosie! now fuzzypants too!
Come on Billy, and Nicky, oh what did you do?
At the end of the hall she looked around
but saw no meezer there on the ground
As dry kibble during a wild whapping fly,
When they meet with a paw slap, then a bunch of high fives!
out from hiding the meezers flew in a flash
with some merps and meeps and meezes and CRASH.
OH NOES, they cried "we better dash"!
Around the dining room they ran in a tizzy
The Meezer 500? Sheesh! we'll get dizzy!
They looked up the stairs and there they did spy
two fleecy feets - oh no, we're gonna die!
Round and round and round they sped
"we better finish and then get to bed!!",
The mom, she looked like a big, fuzzy dummy
Her eyes, they were blood shot, her nose it was runny
Her teeth they were yellow, her cheeks, they were flush
Her big ol mouth, well, what came out would make you blush!
Her beard was as white as the
HOLD ON BILLY, you DO remember what the mom looks like, right?
A popsicle stick, it was stuck in her teeth
sheesh, it's an obsession with them, oh good grief!
She had a big ol fat head and a big ol fat belly,
That shook, when she laughed like a bowlful of jelly.
She really wasn't jolly, nor was she an elf
but we always laff at her, in spite of our selfs;
The snot from her nose and the sweat on her head
Soon gave us to know we had LOTS to dread;
She turned on the light and blinked her eyes
and saw that the meezers had made a surprise
A TREE! All decorated with ribbons and toys
what a sweet surprise from the four little boys
She gathered them up and went back to bed
and all the meezers danced on her head!!
Merry Chrissymouse Efurryone!
The (almost) daily adventures of Sammy, Miles and Nicholas Meezer. One is sweet and calm, one his happy and playful. The other? um......not so much.
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Good bye my sweet Nicky
Good bye my sweet sweet Nicky. You has a hard time sometimes with your brain injury, but you were always so sweet. I love you to the moon...

MOM When I started this endeavor in 2006, I never expected how my world would change. I had an 18 month old meezer and a not even one yea...
Meezers Mom Norton and Ralphie came to take our beautiful little Princess to the Rainbow Bridge at 5:15am this morning. (click on the link f...
...and woo really expekht Sandy Khlaws to show at your place?
I think he'll be making a double delivery to THE ALIENS!!!
MOL on Khyra's comment!...Funny poem; wishing you wild, fun, silly, handsome boys a very Merry Christmas=we love you, sweet friends!...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki
We were caught up in the story, picturing you all trashing the house, but then the story took an unexpected twist and you boys made your the Mom a tree!! *Clap Clap Clap* Good job, fellas! Merry Christmas!
Happy holidays my friends!!
Merry Christmas furriends!
Awww ... we LOVE a happy ending! Meow Meow Meow! Merry Catmas!
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel, & fosters Sunny and Sky (Hunter, Silver, and Rico got adopted!)
MOL! The poem mad us larf owt loud!
Greetings at Christmas to yoo all ~ may you have friends at your fire, blessings in your home, and joy in your heart. Merry Christmas dear friends.
Haha! Great poem! Hope you all have a very Merry Christmas!!
You guys sure know how to make us laugh. We're MOL @ Khyras khomment!!
Merry Christmas!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
What a great poem - we were listening to every word our mum read out.
We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and lots of delicious noms.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
SO VERY FUNNY!!! Mommy is laughing so hard! You guys really keep your MomLadyPerson hopping!!!
Mery Christmas Eve!
Oh that was so sweet of you to get a tree for your Mum!
Happy Christmas!
Merry Christmas, Meezers! Merry Christmas, Billy! We're so glad you're here, Nicky! Merry Christmas, The Mom! And Merry Christmas to the Futon Dude, too!
Aww,that is a great version of The Night Before Christmas. We hope yours is wonderful!
That was very nice of the boyz to do a tree... not so much dancing on mom's head...
Very cute Poem!
Merry Christmas-MeezerMom, Miles, Sammy, Nicky, and Billy!
Pee-Ess- when we get traveling we would loves to bisit you.
You boys totally crack me up! Now I am in the holiday spirit, for sure. I love a happy ending!
You guys really pick on your mom, but we know you love her.
You know, some day we'd really like to see your Mom and find out JUST how imaginative you four are.
Merry Christmas!
Love, The Lounge Kats
Heehee, we is betting yoo guys took some liberty wif describing yoor mom, 'cept fur maybe da runny nose and sweaty head. Yoo guys always make our Krissmouse eve wif yoor "Night afore Krissmouse" stories. Merry Krissmouse!
That was a good story and a BIG surprise that you were good to your mum. Merry Christmas to all of you.
MOL! We have seen some great creative poems the past day, and while we wont make anny judgements, yours is right up at the top!
Merry Chrissymouse to all!
You guys always crack me up.
Sending you holiday cheers from across the miles and wishing you and your family a fun holiday filled with love and laughter.
Hopes you don't get a lump of coal in yours stockings!
We all have blessings, each and every of ours is blogging and visiting with you...May your Christmas be Merry and your New Year bright!
Merry Christmas friends!!!
Merry Christmas to the whole meezer family!!
Guess what, boys? We do not wait until Christmas to dance on Momma's head! We do it every night! hahahaha!
Merry Christmas from alla us to all you!
Very cute poem! We wish you a very Merry Christmas!
Merry Kissmas! We's hoping you got lots of presents, had muchie yummy foods, and enjoyed de good company of family and friends!
Merry Christmas guys!
So clever! Merry Christmas!
Thanks for participating in WCB. Check back later this afternoon for the roundup.
Oh Merry Day After to you all! Sendin' love & bestee wishez fur a a healthy & happy & prosperous New Year!
Dr Tweety, Delilah, Iris, Maximillian, & Auntie Stinkie
PS: Da tale iz purrfect!!!! We LOVEZ it!!!! All da partsez!!!!
Ok I realize that I'z very late in commenting on theese post but I just read it and it was most hilarious! You guys is really funny over here! Best Christmas poem I've ever come across...
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